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Joint w/ Committee on Public Safety & Criminal Justice


MEMBERS: Chair: Marty Rogowsky; Legislators: Abinanti, Latimer, Pinto, Stewart-Cousins, Ryan

PSCJ MEMBERS: Chair: Richard Wishnie; Legislators: Astorino, Kaplowitz, Rogowsky, Ryan

IN ATTENDANCE: BOL: Ettere; CEO: Bill Randolph; LAW: Brendan McGrath, Liz Cipollo; CONSUMER PROTECTION: Elaine Price; LWV: Erin Malloy, Joy Rosenweiq; NYCLU-WESTCHESTER: Linda Berns, Charolotte Achaelit; Burton King; BORDC: Wesley Stromberg; PUBLIC: Larry Wilson, Anthony Tortorella

The meeting began and both Committees were called to order at 1:45 p.m.

Item # 22 - Patriot Act

Item # 22 is correspondence and a resolution from the Westchester Bill of Rights Defense Campaign (BORDC) regarding concerns about the Patriot Act. The resolution ultimately calls on Congress to repeal provisions of the USA Patriot Act.

There was a lengthy discussion. The Committees agreed to continue discussions on proposed language for a resolution off-line and through Committee meetings.

On motion of Legislator Kaplowitz, seconded by Legislator Astorino the Committee on Public Safety was adjourned.

Item # 3 – Landscapers/Gardeners Decal Law (Amended Home Improvement Contractor Decal)

Item # 3, as amended, is a Local Law that would amend Article XVI of the Westchester County Consumer Protection Code to require that all motor vehicles operated by landscapers or gardeners display the landscaper or gardener’s name and address.

There was a discussion. The Committee addressed Mr. Wilson’s letter which indicated opposition to the proposal. Mr. Wilson feels the decal requirement would not properly address the Department’s concerns.

The Committee agreed to make some minor modifications that would clarify that a company sign be displayed only during the normal course of business while the vehicle is stationary.

On motion of Legislator Abinanti, seconded by Legislator Pinto the meeting was adjourned.

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