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MEMBERS: Chair: Martin Rogowsky; Legislators: Pinto, Abinanti, Stewart-Cousins, Bronz, Oros

IN ATTENDANCE IN BOL: Richard Wishnie, Michael Davis, Andrea Ettere, Betsy Desoye, Susan Kirpatrick; CE: Karen Pasquale, Andrew Neuman[ams93] , Bill Randolph, Kevin Ryan Planning: Ed Burroughs, Tracey Corbit Law: Liz Cippolo LWV: Rosemary MacLaughlin Greenburgh Nature Center Bill Lauyer

Chair Rogowsky Called the meeting to order at 1:20 P.M.

Chair Rogowsky made note that a list sent to the committee by Assemblyman Richard Brodsky was accidentally included in the Legislative Package for consideration at the present meeting. Chair Rogowsky stated that these items were still for consideration only, and were not necessarily meant to be included in the final package.

Legislator Stewart-Cousins expressed reservation about including a provision in the legislative package to change the election laws regarding absentee ballot voting.

After a brief discussion on the issue the committee resolved by consensus to remove the absentee ballot resolution from the legislative packet, but did not preclude any individual legislators from addressing the issue on their own. Chair Rogowsky indicated that he would like to take up the issue at a later time.

Karen Pasquale from the County Executives Office proposed merging the proposal to create a preferred drug list for pharmaceuticals with the proposal to cap Medicaid.

Following a brief discussion the committee decided on consensus to maintain both proposals as separate initiatives in order to preserve the integrity of each proposal.

Legislator Stewart-Cousins asked if the language within the proposal to remove the Yonkers toll could be amended to read “Eliminate or Modify” and that the language of the proposal be altered to include provisions to eliminate the toll, or modify it to exclude automobiles.

Legislator Abinanti stated that he would like a proposal to amend the handgun licensing laws of Westchester County and would draft the resolution.

Chair Rogowsky made note that Legislative Aide Andrea Ettere would be leaving the office and that Legislative Aide Michael Davis would assume her duties.

Karen Pasquale made short presentation on the subject of supporting a resolution to adopt a State income tax credit on the purchase of hybrid vehicles.

Legislators Oros and Abinanti propose offering a sales tax credit rather than a credit on income tax.

It was decided on consensus to leave the hybrid income tax credit out of the package, but to explore further with the Administration the idea of offering a sales tax credit on the sale of hybrid vehicles.

Legislator Abinanti suggests reformatting the package to reflect Westchester only priorities. A brief discussion follows and it is decided on consensus that the package will contain 2 sections, the first will be entitled Westchester County Priorities, and the second will be entitled Legislative Initiatives.

There was a brief discussion about an initiative to clarify the definition of summer day camps. Karen Pasquale explained that the administration is concerned about a ruling that exploits a loophole in State law regarding summer day camp inspection.

After some discussion it was agreed that a member of the Law Department would attend the next meeting and explain the initiative further.

Legislator Abinanti began a discussion regarding a proposal in the package to expand the child abuse reporting requirements. Karen Pasquale explained that the current law does not require abuse be reported by a mandated reporter if the source of the abuse is not the childs legal custodian. Legislator Abinanti expressed concern regarding this proposal because if the law was changed it may cause couples who are having consensual sex where one party is under the age of consent not to visit a doctor or clinic (who are considered mandated reporters) for fear of prosecution for statutory rape.

It was decided on consensus to delay further discussion on the measure until the next meeting for further consideration.

Legislator Abinanti inquired about the meaning of an initiative that would require the investigation of reported child abuse within 24 hours. After a brief discussion on the issue it was decided on consensus to have a member of law enforcement clarify this initiative at the next meeting.

Legislator Abinanti requested that the proposal in the package regarding identity theft be altered to omit the final paragraph. It was decided on consensus to alter the language of the proposal.

Rosemary Maclaghlin of the League of Women Voters made a brief presentation regarding the League’s letter regarding their opposition to touch-screen voting machines, and asking that if they are utilized that they be carefully monitored.

Chair Rogowsky made a brief clarification regarding drafting letters of support. He stated that a single committee letter would be drafted and sent, but that no individual Legislator should feel prohibited from drafting their own individual support letter for any particular initiative.

The committee then briefly discussed several proposals submitted for consideration to the Legislative package by Assemblyman Richard Brodsky. The proposals were as follows:

After a brief discussion of each item it was decided on consensus to include a proposal on Nuclear Preparedness Costs and STAR Co-op distribution oversight in the legislative package. All other items would not be included in the package.

A motion was made by Legislator Pinto to adjourn and a second was made by Legislator Abinanti.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:54 P.M.

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