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MEMBERS: Chair: Martin Rogowsky; Legislators: Pinto, Stewart-Cousins, Bronz, Oros, Abinanti

IN ATTENDANCE IN BOL: Richard Wishnie, Michael Davis, Betsy Desoye; CE: Karen Pasquale, Kevin Ryan, Andrew Neuman Law: Liz Cippolo, Lori Alesio

Chair Rogowsky Called the meeting to order at 1:10 P.M.

Karen Pasquale began with a presentation regarding capping Medicaid. County’s position is that we want to see a cap on Medicaid at the 2003 levels.

Chair Rogowsky detailed his meeting with Assemblyman Richard Brodsky. Karen Pasquale confirmed that the 1991and the 2003 sales tax do in fact expire next year.

Chair Rogowsky reported that Assemblyman Brodsky suggested that the committee maintain its prior position regarding the elimination of the New York State Thruway toll in Yonkers.

Karen suggested following Mr. Brodsky’s suggestion and following up with a letter to Mr. Brodsky and the Governor regarding the removal of the toll. It was agreed on consensus to follow Mr. Brodsky’s suggestion.

Another suggestion was to write the Governor regarding several items that have budgetary implications. It was decided that Karen would draft a letter and the committee would be welcome to sign on.

Lori Alesio of the County Attorney’s Office gave a presentation on the proposal to clarify the definition and regulations of indoor summer day jurisdiction to regulate the camps. The proposal seeks to remove the word “primarily” from the
Public Health Law in order to expand jurisdiction to regulate the camps. The proposal seeks to remove the word “primarily” from the Public Health Law in order to expand the County’s ability to regulate these camps.

Karen asked about the proposal to amend the firearms licensing law. She is concerned that there is as yet no write up, but Chair Rogowsky mentioned that the proposal was en route from Legislator Abinanti.

Chair Rogowsky asked where the write up was regarding the preferred drug list. Karen states she had not fully researched the issue. It was decided to drop the proposal down to the initiative section and have only one paragraph for the preferred drug list.

Chair Rogowsky brought up questions on increasing the child abuse reporting requirements. There are legitimate concerns regarding the measure as it may have the effect of preventing young women from seeking assistance from health care professionals.

It was decided that the measure would be removed from the package. Karen is working with Amy Paulin’s office in order to come up with new language so the measure could be pursued at a later time.

Karen proposed looking again at a measure restricting the sale of pseudoephedrine products. She stated that 20 states have taken measures such as this and it is an important measure. Chair Rogowsky points out that this is an item on the Legislation

Committee’s agenda and it will act on it before any request for state action.

Legislation will meet again Monday the 7th at 12:30

Legislator Abinanti brought up an objection to institution of a fee for polygraph tests for sex offender probationers.

He also expressed concerns about extending the property tax stabilization act. Legislator Oros also expressed his concerns. It was decided to discuss the issue in caucus and the issue would be discussed further.

Minutes to be approved: Sept 13, May 3, April 24, August 9t September 13, January 18, January 24 moved by Legislator Bronz with a second by approved unanimously.

Legislator Stewart Cousins moved to adjourn. Legislator Pinto second. The meeting was adjourned at 2:09 P.M.

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