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MEMBERS: Chair: Martin Rogowsky; Legislators: Pinto, Stewart-Cousins, Abinanti, Bronz

IN ATTENDANCE IN BOL: Michael Davis, Betsy Desoye; CE: Andrew Neuman, Bill Randolph; LWV Rosemary McLaughlin; Law: Liz

Chair Rogowsky Called the meeting to order at 1:20 P.M.

There was a presentation made by Legislator Abinanti regarding Proposal on identity theft.

A discussion followed regarding proposed legislation to ban the use of social security numbers for anything other than employment purposes.

After discussion it was decided to have a joint public hearing on the issue with Assemblywoman Sandy Galef and Senator Jeff Klein who also has a similar bill pending in the State Senate.

Chairman Rogowsky also made clear that the committee is willing to hear ideas and work with the administration on the issue.

Legislator Pinto moved to approve the minutes from February 3 and 7, second made by Andrea Stewart-Cousins. Motion passes 5-0.

Motion to adjourn by Legislator Pinto, second by Legislator Stewart-Cousins.

Meeting adjourned 2:00

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