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MINUTES: April 4, 2005

MEMBERS: Legislation Chair: Martin Rogowsky; Legislators: Pinto, Myers, Burrows, Abinanti, Bronz, Stewart-Cousins

Housing: Chair: Lois Bronz; Legislators: Astornio, Alvarado, Pint

IN ATTENDANCE[ams91] \IN INNNNNNIUIN BOL: Richard Wishnie, Michael Davis, Betsy Desoye, Hope Corbin; CE: Kevin Ryan, Andrew Neuman, Bill Randolph Law: Linda Trentacoste , Liz Cippolo, DEF: James Hogan, Bruce Berger, Bob Mazzorato; Pace Women’s Justice Center: Susan Pollet

LSHV: Mary Grace Ferone, Office for Women: Martha Anderson, Thea Dubow, Camille Murphey; LWVW: Rosemary MacLaughlin; HRC: Alison Greene

Chair Rogowsky Called the meeting of Legislation to order at 2:18 P.M.

Chairman Rogowsky Introduced the agenda item on discriminatory practices in housing towards victims of domestic violence

The Chair Recognized Allison Green of the Office for Women and Camille Murphy of the Human Rights Commission. A presentation followed on the legislation including testimony from community advocates on the growing problem of discrimination against victims of domestic violence being discriminated against by landlords and housing owners.

Chairwoman Bronz calls the committee on housing to order 2:28

Chair Rogowsky recognized representatives from the Department of Social Services, The Pace Women’s Justice Center, the Northern Westchester Shelter, the Office for Women, and My Sister’s Place to present statements of support for the law.

Legislator Stewart Cousins commented that while the issue at hand is very pertinent she would also like to see the domestic violence situation as a whole be addressed.

Legislator Abinanti brought up several concerns with the drafting of the legislation, specifically concentrating on potential burden on landlords of small buildings who rather than evict a tenant must spend large amounts of money for additional building security.

Chair Rogowsky asked the County Attorney’s Office to examine the law and make sure that there is a balance on behalf of the landlord and the victim.

Motion to Adjourn Housing by Legislator Alvarado, 2nd by Legislator Astorino Housing Adjourned 3:19

Chair Rogowsky took of the issue of amendments to the Solid Waste Law

Lou Patrone Bob Mazzoratoe and Bruce Berger of the Department of Environmental Facilities were recognized by the Chair.

Chair Rogowsky asked Bruce Berger to walk the committee through the package and the amendments.

Bruce Berger then went through each proposed amendment before the committee.

Legislator Pinto asked for a clarification as to who leaf haulers are. Mr. Berger responded that those who qualify for a class L license only haul during the leaf season and are not local landscapers.

Chair Rogowsky asked to table the issue for now to put back on the agenda for the next meeting.

Motion to adjourn made by Legislator Abinanti second made by legislator Stewart Cousins

Meeting adjourned 3:50 P.M.

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