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Joint with Public Safety and Criminal Justice and Community Affairs


MEMBERS: Chair: Martin Rogowsky Legislators: Abinanti, Bronz, Latimer, Oros, Pinto, Stewart-Cousins, Ryan.

PSCJ MEMBERS: Legislators: Astorino, Kaplowitz, Rogowsky, Ryan

COMMUNITY AFFAIRs MEMBERS: Chair: José Alvarado. Legislators: Astorino, Bronz

IN ATTENDANCE: BOL: Kirkpatrick, Mauro, Dodds, Chang, Corbin. Consumer Affairs: E. Price. CEO: W. Randolph, R. Gable. LAW: L. Cipollo. LWV: J. Rosensweig, R. McLaughlin. Bill of Rights Def. Comm.: W. Stromberg, E. Sawyer, R. Handel, J. Carmi, D. Hanratty, S. Taylor. WCLU: O. Swift, R. Offner, L. Berns, B. Fedele. WFP: J. Fahey. West. Prog. Forum: L. Galan. N.R. Peace Action: M. Katz. LPHA: N. Spero. WCDRS: Det. G. Repicky. Others: R. Kalick, D. Freed. T. Freed.

The meeting was called to order at 2 pm.

Item #14 – ATM Registration

Both the Committee on Legislation and the Committee on Community Affairs had a quorum. Legislator Latimer moved, Leg. Bronz seconded and the Legislation Committee voted out the ATM Registration legislation for all purposes. Leg. Rogowsky, Bronz, Latimer, Pinto and Stewart-Cousins voted aye and Leg. Oros voted nay. Leg. Bronz moved, Leg. Alvarado seconded and the Committee on Community Affairs voted the legislation out for all purposes. Leg. Alvarado and Bronz voted yes and Leg. Astorino voted no. The Committee on Community Affairs adjourned.

Item #22 - Patriot Act

The Committee on Public Safety and Criminal Justice was called to order and joined Legislation in the discussion of the revised

Leg. Latimer reviewed the discussions of the draft resolution and efforts to publicize the current meeting. Members of the committees discussed possible various amendments to the draft.

The revisions agreed to included:

1. Putting the full name of the act into the text and periods after each letter when referred to thereafter to indicate that the shortened name is an acronym.

2. In the fourth “WHEREAS” clause, the word “identified” is replaced with “embodied.”

3. In the first “RESOLVED” clause place bullets in order of section number.

4. In the first “RESOLVED” clause, add after “full implementation” the phrase “and federal funding.”

5. In the bullet relating to Sect. 216 in the second “RESOLVED” clause, substitute the word “extensive” for “wide.”

6. Add “and do not require a judicial warrant be issued,” after

“ . . .security of our people” in the second ”RESOLVED” clause.

Also remove “without judicial review” from the 2nd bullet. Reorder

all bullets to place in numerical order.

7. Add a new “WHEREAS” clause stating “the independent judicial review process is an important protection for individuals against illegal search and seizures.”

8. Remove the sentence before the final “RESOLVED” clause because all elements if this sentence were placed in other locations.

9. Add a new bullet to the first RESOLVED clause: “Provisions for protecting the civil rights and civil liberties of all Americans (Sect. 102)”

For the Legislation Committee, Leg. Latimer moved and Leg. Abinanti seconded the adoption of the Resolution as amended. Legislation approved the Resolution, legislators voting as follows:

Aye: Leg. Rogowsky, Abinanti, Bronz, Latimer, Pinto, Stewart-Cousins and Ryan. Nay: Leg. Oros.

For the Comm. on PSCJ, Leg. Rogowsky moved and Leg. Ryan seconded adoption of the Resolution. The Resolution passed with the members voting as follows:

Aye: Leg. Kaplowitz, Rogowsky and Ryan. Nay: Legis. Astorino.

Upon motions made and seconded the Committees on Legislation and Public Safety and Criminal Justice adjourned at 2:40 pm.

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