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MEMBERS: Chair: Marty Rogowsky; Legislators: Abinanti, Bronz, Latimer, Mosiello, Pinto, Stewart-Cousins

IN ATTENDANCE: BOL: Ettere, Vega, Corbin (Intern); LWV: Kathy Saudaram

The meeting was called to order at 1:15 p.m.

Item # 26 – County Tax Code

The Committee on Seniors had invited two seniors to come before the committee to discuss this item but they were unable to attend at the last minute. This item will be rescheduled for discussion.


Legislator Rogowsky asked that the Committee sign out another resolution which mirrors the resolution that passed unanimously by the Board on April 13, 2004. The resolution calls upon the Governor and the State Legislature to make fundamental structural reform to the financing of the Medicaid program and provide real property taxpayers with relief by capping the local share of Medicaid at the 2003 base levels.

The only changes in this Resolution from the one that was signed out of Committee on April 12, 2004 are changes to the 8th paragraph, which reflect estimated payments as of April 20th:

‘WHEREAS, Westchester County pays approximately $4.2 million weekly. This year’s payments exceed $68 million as of April 20, 2004; and’

On motion of Legislator Mosiello, seconded by Legislator Stewart-Cousins, the resolution was approved by a vote of 6-0 with Legislator Pinto voting “without prejudice.” (Legislator Latimer was out for the vote.)

Item #10 – Medicaid Reform (UL)

Legislator Rogowsky stated that the Sub-Committee on Unfunded Mandates discussed this item and its Members agreed on new language for a resolution.

The Members discussed the item and made a few more changes to the resolution. Legislator LaMotte was present and agreed to the changes.

Legislator Abinanti made a motion to approve the resolution, as amended, and it was seconded by Legislator Bronz. The vote was 7-0.


Legislator Abinanti made a motion to receive and file Items #27 a-d (Unfunded State Mandates), #34 (Medicaid Cap), #35 (Timothy’s Law) and #37 (Smoking Ban) and it was seconded by Legislator Pinto. The vote was 7-0.

On motion of Legislator Abinanti, seconded by Legislator Pinto the meeting was adjourned at 2:16 p.m.

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