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IGR Committee

Committee Members Present: Chair: Jim Maisano; Legislators: George Latimer, George Oros

Others Present: Guests: None; Administration: Bill Randolph; County Departments: Steve Levy, Deputy County Clerk; Staff: David Simpson

Without objection, the minutes of the February 23, 2004 meeting of the Committee on Intergovernmental Relations were approved.

Proposed County Clerk Resolution on LGRMIF
Deputy County Clerk Steve Levy was present to present a request by the County Clerk for the Board of Legislators to draft and pass a resolution in support of permanently continuing the New York State Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF), which was created in 1989 to provide technical assistance and grants to establish, improve or enhance records management programs across the state. Mr. Levy testified that since the sunset of the original legislation in 1994, the grant program has been extended twice by the state legislature, but is currently set to expire permanently next year. He further stated that since the beginning of the grant program, Westchester County has received seven grants totaling more than $277,000, municipalities within Westchester have received 346 grants totaling more than $6.8 million, making a combined 353 grants for more than $7 million that have directly benefited Westchester County. Specifically the County Clerk requested that a Board of Legislators resolution include a request to make the grant program permanent.

A draft of the resolution was presented before the committee and some minor amendments were proposed. Pending the redraft of the resolution to include the amendments and its presentation to other legislators for review, action of the resolution was postponed to the next meeting.

Item B10. Medical Marijuana Law, Hon. Jim Maisano: Memorandum and draft legislation urging the state legislature to pass legislation authorizing the use of marijuana form medicinal purposes (referred on March 8, 2004; also referred to Legislation and Health)

The committee reviewed Mr. Maisano’s referral of a resolution urging the state legislature to authorize the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. Mr. Maisano mentioned that the idea was garnering growing support in the state legislature, including notable support from Senator Joe Bruno, the Majority Leader. A discussion ensued and specific questions were posed regarding the current law and how a reform proposal might change the status quo. Mr. Maisano signaled his and Mr. Latimer’s intentions to gather support for a draft resolution in each respective caucus, then to bring in an expert at the next committee meeting to answer the committee’s specific questions. Discussion on the item ended without action.

Draft Federal Medicaid Resolution

Mr. Maisano presented a resolution to the committee that would call on the federal government to disallow New York State’s current practice of passing on Medicaid costs down to local governments. The committee agreed to review the resolution and to work on it at the next committee meeting. Discussion ended without action.

On the motion of Mr. Latimer, seconded by Mr. Oros, the following items were received and filed by a vote of 4-0.

1. Item B4—Passed in amended form full Board on 3/15/2004. 2004 State Legislative Package, Hon. Tom Abinanti: Memorandum from Legislator Abinanti requesting that additional items be included in the state legislative package (referred on January 26, 2004; also referred to Legislation)

2. Item B5 Passed in amended form full Board on 3/8/2004. County Valuation Date, Hon. Jim Maisano: Memorandum and related correspondence from the Town of Pelham regarding the June 1 county valuation date (referred on January 26, 2004; also referred to Legislation)

3. Item C1—Passed in amended form by full Board on 4/26/2004. Medicaid Reform, Hon. Ursula LaMotte: Resolution endorsing certain Medicaid relief proposals proposed by the Governor and the New York State Senate (referred on January 26, 2004; also referred to Budget and Appropriations and Legislation)

On the motion of Mr. Latimer, seconded by Mr. Oros and without objection, the committee adjourned.

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