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IGR Committee

Committee Members Present: Chair: Jim Maisano; Legislators: George Latimer, George Oros, Richard Wishnie

Others Present: Guests: None; Administration: Bill Randolph; County Departments: None; Staff: David Simpson


Committee Organization
Mr. Latimer moved, and Mr. Wishnie seconded, that the committee quorum be set at two and the quorum for action on an item be set at three. The motion carried (3-aye, 0-nay; Mr. Oros was not present for the vote).

Discussion On Committee Function
Mr. Latimer proposed that the committee establish standards for the Board of Legislators to interact with each level of government, both above and below the county level, i.e. federal, state and local.

Mr. Wishnie proposed that a member of the committee, on a rotating basis, attend the Westchester Municipal Officials Association.

Mr. Latimer proposed that the committee seek to interact with regional county governments on issues of common concern.

Chairman Maisano proposed that the committee reach out to state Sen. Spano and state Assemblyman Brodsky, as the leaders of the Westchester state legislative delegation, for an initial meeting. Mr. Wishnie proposed that such a meeting take place once the sales tax decision is made final in order to begin discussions on other important issues.

Chairman Maisano proposed that, in addition to establishing standards for intergovernmental relations, the committee seek out specific issues in which to involve itself, specifically including election reform and legislative powers of Westchester as a charter county.

The committee agreed to formally address the preceding proposals in the coming months.


Mr. Wishnie moved, and Mr. Latimer seconded, that the committee adjourn. The motion carried (4-aye, 0-nay).

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