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IGR Committee

Committee Members Present: Chair: Jim Maisano; Legislators: George Latimer, George Oros, Richard Wishnie

Others Present: Guests: None; Administration: Andrew Neuman; County Departments: None; Staff: David Simpson


Without objection, the minutes of the January 26, 2004 meeting of the Committee on Intergovernmental Relations were approved.


Discussion On Proposed Meetings with State Delegation
Mr. Maisano indicated his intention to have the committee meet at least once annually with Westchester’s delegation to the state legislature. Mr. Wishnie proposed that as the committee chair, Mr. Maisano send communication to the heads of the respective Assembly and Senate delegations in an attempt to lay the groundwork for such a meeting. Mr. Latimer mentioned that each member of the committee is currently, or has previously held a position of elected leadership within the Board of Legislators, which would qualify the committee as an excellent conduit through which negotiations on important issues—such as sales tax proposals and mandate relief—could take place. Several additional points of interest were identified for possible inclusion in Mr. Maisano’s communication. Discussion ended without action.

Committee Mission Statement

Mr. Maisano presented the following committee statement to the committee for discussion.

“In the course of conducting the peoples’ business, governments at all levels must closely and constantly work with one another to achieve positive results. The primary mission of the Committee on Intergovernmental Relations (IGR) is to foster strong cooperative working relations between Westchester County and the federal, state and local governments. IGR will establish standards for the Board of Legislators’ regular communication and interaction among each level of government, with the goal of maintaining an open and productive dialogue that will create and enable positive action on intergovernmental issues. As Chair, I will direct the committee in developing cooperative solutions to the ongoing problem of unfunded state mandates, addressing regional transportation and environmental issues in the Hudson Valley and promoting county resources as a vehicle for better intermunicipal relations.”

Feedback from committee members was positive. Mr. Maisano stated that the mission statement would be used on the legislature’s website. Discussion ended without action.


On the motion of Mr. Maisano, seconded by Mr. Latimer, the following items were received and filed by a vote of 4-0.

1. Item B4. 2004 State Legislative Package, Hon. Tom Abinanti: Memorandum from Legislator Abinanti requesting that additional items be included in the state legislative package (referred on January 26, 2004; also referred to Legislation)

2. Item B5. County Valuation Date, Hon. Jim Maisano: Memorandum and related correspondence from the Town of Pelham regarding the June 1 county valuation date (referred on January 26, 2004; also referred to Legislation)


On the motion of Mr. Wishnie, seconded by Mr. Latimer and without objection, the committee adjourned.

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