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BUDGET & APPROPRIATIONS MEMBERS: Chair: Kaplowitz; Legislators: Alvarado, Bronz, LaMotte, Myers, Oros, Rogowsky, Stewart-Cousins

CED MEMBERS: Acting Chair: Pinto; Legislators: Bronz, Alvarado, Oros

HEALTH MEMBERS: Chair: Stewart-Cousins; Legislators: Alvarado, Myers, Oros

PARKS MEMBERS: Chair: Alvarado; Legislators: Astorino, Myers, Pinto

PUBLIC SAFETY MEMBERS: Acting Chair: Rogowsky Legislators: Kaplowitz, Ryan

PUBLIC WORKS MEMBERS: Acting Chair: Pinto; Legislators: Oros, Rogowsky

IN ATTENDANCE: CE’s office: A Neuman, B. Randolph; Budget: A. Vietro; PW: R. Butler; Planning: F. McLaughlin; Finance: P. Pucillo; DEF: R. Matarazzo, J. Phelan; Parks: J. Stout, D. DeLucia; LWV: B. Strauss; BOL: B. Boland, R. Indelicato, S. Vanderberg, L. Gantress, D. Toledo, B. Bochow, J. Perez

With a quorum present, the Budget & Appropriations Committee convened at 10:11 a.m.


On the motion of Legislator Bronz seconded by Legislator Alvarado, the minutes for October 3, 2005 were approved 6-0.

September package of court ordered refunds totaling $457,793.51 to be paid by the Commissioner of Finance.

On the motion of Legislator LaMotte seconded by Legislator Bronz, the item carried 6-0.

With a quorum present, the Committee on Parks convened at 10:15 am.


An Act authorizing the County to enter into an IMA with Scarsdale to license 3.7 acres of parkland on the Bronx River Parkway near Scarsdale train station for 5 years. Scarsdale has used the property solely for municipal recreation purposes and kept the property open to all County residents. This 5-year license agreement will commence May 1, 2005 and the annual license fee will be $1.00 per year.

For Budget: On the motion of Legislator Bronz seconded by Legislator Rogowsky, the item carried 6-0.

For Parks: On the motion of Legislator Pinto seconded by Legislator Astorino, the item carried 3-0.

The Committee on Parks & Recreation adjourned at 10:19 am.


A request for $590,000 in Bonds to finance the Lasdon Park Infrastructure project. The bonding will fund the construction and replacement of the primary electrical service to the park along with secondary electric distribution. The work will include new underground conduit, transformer, electric panels and restorative site work.

On the motion of Legislator Kaplowitz seconded by Legislator LaMotte, the item carried 7-0.

ITEM C185(RCP10)

A request for $300,000 in Bonds to finance the design of the Croton Park Maintenance Facility project. The bonding will fund the cost to finalize the design of the building, garage, outdoor storage, utilities and related site work.

On the motion of Legislator Kaplowitz seconded by Legislator LaMotte, the item carried 8-0.

With quorums present, The Committees on CED, Health and Public Works were called to order at 10:40 am.


Legislation requesting the Blind Brook Sanitary Sewer District be modified by adding 18 parcels of property to the sewer district. The parcels were never part of the County sewer system

For Budget: On the motion of Legislator Alvarado seconded by Legislator LaMotte, the item carried 8-0.

For CED: On the motion of Legislator Alvarado seconded by Legislator Pinto, the item carried 4-0.

For Health: On the motion of Legislator Alvarado seconded by Legislator Pinto, the item carried 4-0.

For Public Works: On the motion of Legislator Rogowsky seconded by Legislator Oros, the item carried 3-0.

The Committees on CED and Health adjourned at 10:43 am.


Legislation requesting the Peekskill sanitary Sewer District be modified by adding 1 parcel of property, 3896 Old Crompond Rd. to the sewer district. This parcel was never part of the District.

For Budget: On the motion of Legislator Kaplowitz seconded by Legislator Rogowsky, the item carried 5-1. With Legislators Stewart-Cousins and LaMotte voting without prejudice and Legislator Oros voting no.

For Public Works: On the motion of Legislator Rogowsky seconded by Legislator Pinto, the item carried 2-1. Legislator Oros voted no.

The Committee on Public Works adjourned at 11:04 am.


A request for $1 million dollars in County Bonds to finance the cost of the Sewer District Heavy Equipment replacement Capital Project. The bonding will fund the cost of the purchase of heavy equipment such as dump trucks, flatbed trailers, garbage trucks, sewer jet trucks and other miscellaneous equipment. Any equipment which uses diesel fuel will be using ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel.

On the motion of Legislator Rogowsky seconded by Legislator Myers, the item carried 6-0.

With a quorum present, the Committee on Public Safety convened at 11:09

A Resolution and Act which will provide Criminal Investigators, Senior Investigator, Deputy Chief Criminal Investigators and Chief Criminal Investigators employed by the County’s District Attorney’s Office with the optional benefits authorized by Chapter 471 of the Laws of 2005. Chapter 471 authorizes the County to provide eligible investigators with an accidental disability benefit, a performance of duty disability benefit and the presumption that a disease of an applicant’s heart was incurred in the performance of duty.

There are 38 investigators eligible for benefits at this time.

For Budget: On the motion of Legislator Alvarado seconded by Legislator LaMotte, the item carried

For Public Safety: On the motion of Legislator Alvarado seconded by Legislator LaMotte, the item carried

The Committee on Public Safety adjourned at 11:13 am.

A request for $500,000 in Count Bonds to fund the structural repairs at various Waste Water Treatment plants Capital Project.

After some discussion it was decided the item would be held until additional information is made available.

A copy of the Black & Veatch report was requested.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 11:19 am.

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