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MEMBERS: Chair: Andrew Stewart-Cousins; Legislators: Alvarado, Ryan

IN ATTENDANCE: DPW: John Hsu; LABS & RESEARCH: Dr. Millard Hyland, Donna Popp, Larry Fasnacht; YONKERS SPECTRUM: Beth Lorenzen; ST. JOSEPH’S HOSPITAL/YONKERS SPECTRUM: Catherine Hopkins; ST. JOSEPH’S HOSPITAL AND NYMC: Claudia Califano; WESTCHESTER CHILDREN’S ASSOC.: Cora Greenberg; Zachary Tanenbaum, Andrew Trainor, Dorothy Schott, Allison Lake; COUNTY EXECUTIVE: Bill Randolph, Karen Pasquale, Andrew Neuman; LAW: Mary Lynn Nicolas-Brewster; HUDSON HEALTH PLAN: Margaret Leonard; DSS: Anne Boyer; OPEN DOOR: Janet Bozzone; WESTCHESTER MEDICAL CENTER: Rosa Martinez BOL: Sally Schecter

The meeting was called to order at 1:20.

Bond Act authorizing $1,250,000 to finance new and replacement equipment for various medical, forensic and toxicology departments. The department is now charging for a lot of their services. There are still some that they do not charge for. They do work for the Health Department which amounts to approximately $800,000 and they do not charge them. Labs & Research does work for the medical center and various municipalities and they feel they will be able to charge them. Most of the items have been deferred from last year and some items are beginning to fall apart and need replacement. On the motion of Chair Ryan, seconded by Legislator Alvarado, the item was passed by a vote of 3-0.

Agreement with WCHCC to provide the County with its automated emergency notification system. The County will provide the medical center with 2 computers as well as $15,000 to purchase software. The medical center will disseminate vital information to other health care institutions as well as non-medical institutions. The agreement expires in 2007. On the motion of Chair Ryan, seconded by Legislator Alvarado, the motion was carried by a vote of 3-0.

Amendment to a license agreement with WCHCC. The County has allowed the Medical Center to use the “North 60” for parking during the construction of the Children’s Hospital. The Medical Center would like to extend this agreement through the end of the year in case there are any unforeseen construction delays. On the motion of Legislator Alvarado, seconded by Chair Ryan, the motion was carried by a vote of 3-0.

Home Rule asking the state legislation to amend the Social Services Law regarding dual track child protective services system. This would be a demonstration program to see if a dual track child protective services program would be feasible. There was much discussion and it was decided to send this to Legislation for a joint meeting with Health.

Closure of County Run Dental Clinics. There was much discussion concerning the 3 and 4 year old children and the dental clinics. Private practice dentists do not want to accept New York State health plans. Parents that have been taking their children to County clinics have been mostly paying $20 a visit and that includes the hygienist, x-rays and seeing the dentist. If they have to go to the Neighborhood Health Clinic, they will have to pay per a sliding scale per procedure and many will not go. The Neighborhood Centers are not only for pediatrics and they don’t provide a dental hygienist. One of the visitors wanted to know what happened to the allocation for the dental clinics that was put in the budget. It was also noted that on April 5 an announcement was made of a brand new dental clinic and on May 14 an announcement was made that the clinic was closing.

On the motion of Legislator Alvarado, seconded by Legislator Stewart-Cousins, the Committee adjourned at 2:20 p.m.

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