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MINUTES: MAY 26, 2005

MEMBERS: CHAIR: Andrea Stewart-Cousins, LEGISLATORS: Lois Bronz, Ursula LaMotte

IN ATTENDANCE: DSS: Marion LaFranco, Katherine Waluschka STAFF: Sally Schecter

The meeting was called to order by Chair Andrea Stewart-Cousins at 3:10 p.m.

Chair Stewart-Cousins pointed out that the last two meetings focused on day care service providers, reduced cap, etc. There are still a lot of empty slots because the process is creating more barriers. At our last meeting we had ten providers telling us about all the problems they are encountering. I recently had the opportunity to meet with Commissioner Mahon and I did discuss this with him. One of the providers’ concerns was recertifying every six months. Ms. Waluschka pointed out it is yearly process but it depends on when the provider applies. If they apply during the summer months, they have to recertify in the winter and then they do not have to recertify until the following winter.

DSS has made progress. They are doing a great job making day care available to all children. There is no waiting list. The reason for empty slots is that the cost to unsubsidized people is too high. The regulations say that you can’t charge any more to people that can pay. The Center has a sliding scale. The subsidy should be the same for all.

Legislator LaMotte commented that for a child to receive a subsidy, one must be in the country legally.

Ms. LaFranco said that the staff has weekly conferences to keep track of complaints. The denial or approval of a case requires the supervisor’s approval. The time line for a case is: if all the papers are in, it will take 30 days from the time the application is completed until a determination is made. It takes three months for the provider and the clinic to receive a denial and they cannot guarantee a slot until they have received the approval or denial in writing.

To be eligible for day care, the parent/guardian must provide proof of residence, what the household composition is, proof of income for the entire household, and proof of work schedule. The person seeking day care is given a package to fill out and many times it is 50 percent incomplete. The parent and provider are then notified. The providers are paid for slots but if the child is not there, the provider has to return the money. The custodial parent has to take the non-custodial parent to court and has to show that appropriate action has been taken. Ms. LaFranco then read a paragraph as to how to deal with each case. They always err on the side of caution and they stress if they need help, contact DSS. The block grant has been used to fund day care. Their projection for funding is based on how much money has been used. No one has ever been denied day care because of the lack of money.

Chair Stewart-Cousins asked Ms LaFranco and Ms. Waluschka if they had see the United Way Report “Focusing on Community: Issues and Impact in Westchester.” They had not. Chair Stewart-Cousins said it is a resource and would be good to use as a forum on day care in the community - one forum in the south and one in the north. DSS has a list of providers and the Child Care Council, Kathy Halles, will be notified. Many people are not aware of day care in their neighborhood. Legislator LaMotte will check with the Mt. Kisco library for availability. Chair Stewart-Cousins suggested July 16 at the Riverfront Library.

Chair Stewart-Cousins mentioned that a letter was sent to Commissioner Mahon on April 25 with questions concerning the CWLA report and she still has not received a response.

On the motion of Legislator Bronz, seconded by Chair Stewart-Cousins, the minutes of April 11, 2005 were approved. Also on the motion of Legislator LaMotte, seconded by Legislator Bronz, item 5 was received and filed.

Chair Stewart-Cousins was appalled at the American Gold Star Mothers refusing to allow Ligaya Lagman join the organization because she is not a citizen of the United States. Chair Stewart-Cousins suggested that a resolution be put on the Board’s agenda from the Families Committee. On the motion of Legislator Bronz, seconded by Legislator LaMotte, the motion was passed.

Chair Stewart-Cousins said that Legislator Maisano is available any day at 9 a.m. for a Families meeting. Inasmuch as Public Safety is not meeting on June 6, Families will meet at 9 a.m.

On the motion of Legislator LaMotte, seconded by Legislator Bronz, the meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.

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