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MINUTES: JUNE 28, 2004

MEMBERS: CHAIR: Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Legislators: Lois Bronz, Ursula LaMotte, James Maisano

IN ATTENDANCE: DSS: Nancy Travers, Annie Boyer; C.E.: Bill Randolph; JOURNAL NEWS: Laurie Nikolski: NYS ASSEMBLY: Yuko Masunaga, Amy Paulin

The meeting was called to order at 4:43 by Chair Andrea Stewart-Cousins.

Chair Stewart-Cousins recapped the previous two meetings with the Department of Social Services regarding the D.A.’s report on “Returning Abused Children to their Abusers: How Westchester County’s Child Protective System Fails the Children it Most Needs to Protect.” She advised the DSS that the Committee on Families wants to be apprised of any improvements in the protocol and what they are doing to be sure this situation does not happen again.

Ms. Travers pointed out that the Consent Decree was preliminary with the State. The protocol was developed with the state attorneys, local attorneys and local and state D.S.S. It was then signed off and approved by the state.

Outlines of the protocol were followed on the initial allegation. DSS is now looking at developing a new protocol. A new protocol takes about one month or so. The Child Welfare League will be notified of the new protocol.

School districts handle abuse differently. Their concern is about liability.

DSS is also working on the Child Fatality Review and hope to have it in place within one month. The Child Welfare League is an independent body. They are working with DSS and Ms. Travers said it is possible some implementation might require an increase in the DSS budget.

Chair Stewart-Cousins had received information that staff had been reassigned from the Foster Home Resource Unit to other departments. She wanted to know why.

Ms. Travers said this is part of a larger movement. Every worker was asked to fill out a survey and the administration analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of all. They feel service will be better and the clients better served.

Chair Stewart-Cousins feels that the parents and departments should be talking to each other, there should be continuing dialogue so the parents are not taken by surprise when changes are put into effect.

Ms. Travers said the foster parents were notified as soon as a decision was made.

The Foster Home Resource Unit was developed by the state. Chair Stewart-Cousins requested information on this Unit.

The minutes of June 7 were approved by Legislator Maisano and seconded by Legislator LaMotte.

On the motion of Legislator Bronz, seconded by Legislator Maisano, the meeting was adjourned at 5:20.

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