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MINUTES: JUNE 14, 2004

MEMBERS: Chair: Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Legislators: Lois Bronz, Ursula LaMotte, James Maisano, William Ryan, Other Legislators: Bernice Spreckman, Michael Kaplowitz, George Oros, William Ryan

IN ATTENDANCE: Law: Tricia Higgins, Sharon Adamo, Michael Barrett; Westchester Task Force on Child Abuse/Neglect: Kathy Halas; C.E.’s Office: Kevin Ryan, Andrew Neuman; Journal News: Laurie Nikolski; D.A.’s Office: J. Berger; Senator Nick Spano’s office: Tony Giambrunno; WIHD: Wendy Breiter, Beth Reiman; WCA/WTFCAN: Cora Greenberg; DSS: Nancy Travers, Don Wiede, Kevin Mahon; Assemblywoman Amy Paulin’s Office: Yuko Masunaga; BOL: Sally Schecter

The meeting was called to order at 4:45 p.m.

Continuing the Discussion on “Returning Abused Children to their Abusers: How Westchester County’s Child Protective System Fails the Children it Most Needs to Protect.”

Chair Stewart-Cousins thanked Commissioner Mahon for continuing his discussion of the recommendations made by the Grand Jury, beginning with #10. He felt that this could not be implemented by DSS but needed to be discussed further with the Family Court Judge, Judge Cooney.

Several of the recommendations would need to be done by the State.

Chair Stewart-Cousins then asked the Legislators if they had any questions and under “Factual Findings” there were questions about the case worker, the number of visits, and the parenting class.

Commissioner Mahon said the supervisors were supposed to be meeting with the case workers but it was not happening so now, as of October, there have been monthly meetings reviewing all cases. The Commissioner was also asked if the supervisor as well as the case worker is being disciplined. It is presently being discussed. Commissioner Mahon is checking with the Law Department and Personnel as to what they can do. They have put a number of case workers on watch and they have corrected themselves.

They have not looked at the Consent Decree since 1989 and it needs to be reviewed.

To implement various improvements, child welfare needs 3 things:
1. resources – enough staff
2. making visits
3. quality of visits

The report also mentioned Law Guardians. They are not under DSS but under Family Court. Chair Stewart-Cousins would like someone to come in and discuss the role of a Law Guardian. The Chair also requested that the Child Fatality Review that has been done previously by the state now be done locally. Commissioner Mahon agreed to it.

On the motion of Legislator LaMotte, seconded by Legislator Maisano, the Committee adjourned at 6:15 p.m.

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