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MINUTES: September 26, 2005

COMMITTEE ON THE ENVIRONMENT: Chair: Abinanti – Legislators: Rogowsky, Myers, LaMotte, Ryan

COMMITTEE ON LEGISLATION: Chair: Rogowsky – Legislators: Myers, Abinanti, Oros, Pinto, Stewart-Cousins, Ryan

IN ATTENDANCE: BOL STAFF: Tara Bernard; OTHERS: Bill Randolph (CEO), Cesare Manfredi (FCWC), Carolyn Cunningham (FCWC), Harry Stanton (DOT), Robert Funicelli (DOT), Cathy Kenny (NYS Petroleum Council), Emmett Pepper (CCE), Barbara Straus (CBAC/LWVW)

TOPIC: Healthy Air Bills

Chair Rogowsky called the Legislation Committee meeting to order at 9:50am.

Chair Abinanti called the Environment Committee meeting to order at 10:20am.

Guest Speaker Cathy Kenny, Associate Director of the NYS Petroleum Council discussed the use of low sulfur in home heating oil. Kenny provided a handout from the NYSPC outlining response to questionable production and environmental issues.

Kenny explained that the cost of home heating oil had increased substantially and that supply (deficient supply) is a veritable concern. With respect to Sprague and supply, Kenny alleged that Sprague could not supply everyone, the system is vulnerable, and that even prior to Hurricane Katrina the government anticipated a shortage of diesel supply.

In a letter dated 9/23/2005, members of the American Cancer Society, American Lung Association of NYS, Citizens Campaign for the Environment, Environmental Defense, Federated Conservationists of Westchester County, Saw Mill River Audubon, and Scenic Hudson, Inc. encouraged the support and passage of bills recommended by the Healthy Air Task Force, requiring the use of ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel in on-road/non-road County vehicles, amending the idling time permissible for diesel-powered vehicles, and amending County Law regulating fuel content (in sum, the Healthy Air Bills). This letter was distributed.

In reference to the Healthy Air Bills, Legislator Abinanti explained that the Health Commissioner is able to suspend rule in the legislation.

At 11:12 am, Legislator Pinto made a motion to adjourn the (Legislation Committee) meeting. Seconded by Chair Rogowsky, all in favor – aye.

At 11:12am, Legislator Myers made a motion to adjourn the (Environment Committee) meeting. Seconded by Chair Abinanti, all in favor – aye.

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