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MINUTES: May 17, 2004

ENVIRONMENT MEMBERS: Chair: Abinanti – Legislators: Kaplowitz, Maisano, Latimer, Rogowsky

B&A MEMBERS: Chair: Kaplowitz – Legislators: Abinanti, Rogowsky, Ryan, Mosiello

IN ATTENDANCE: BOL STAFF: Tara Bernard, Steve Bass, Ray Indelicato; CEO: Bill Randolph; BUDGET: Arthur Vetro; DOT: Commissioner Salley, Rob Bracchitla; DEF: Robert Matarazzo; OTHERS: Peter Iwanowicz (American Lung Assoc.);Susan Goodwin (LWV); Cesare Manfredi (FCWC)

1) Sulfur’s Negative Effect on County Air Quality
2) Joint w/B&A – Airport Bond Acts

Environment Committee Only – Chair Abinanti called the Environment Committee to order at 3:40pm.

Chair Abinanti introduced Peter Iwanowicz, Director of Environmental Health for the American Lung Association, who proceeded to discuss the negative effects sulfur has on Westchester’s air quality.

The majority of the discussion focused on sulfur dangers from power plants, diesel fuel and home heating oil. Mr. Iwanowicz noted that there are multiple types of diesel fuel, such as “on-road”, “off-road”, “on-highway” and “off-highway”. Chair Abinanti mentioned that the County has begun using low-sulfur fuel for its bus fleet. Cesare Manfredi (formerly of the NYSDEC) noted that low-sulfur diesel fuel is more expensive initially, but that it burns more efficiently. He also noted that the standard for “low-sulfur fuel” is 15 parts per million (ppm).

With regards to home heating oil (HHO), Mr. Iwanowicz noted that the EPA does not regulate HHO. He also noted that what the American Lung Association suggests possibly cleaning the oil with a filter – similar to what has been done to buses. Mr. Manfredi noted that there are several obstacles with trying to convince people to pay the initial extra cost for low-sulfur HHO. Chair Abinanti suggested possibly a tax break for those who use it. He asked Mr. Manfredi and FCWC to look into it.

Joint with Budget & Appropriations –

At 4:30pm Chair Kaplowitz reconvened the Committee on Budget & Appropriations (which was in recess from its morning session).

Chair Abinanti noted that the Environment Committee was being joined by B&A to address the following Bond Acts for the Airport:

Env. Item #38 – A Bond Act authorizing the issuance of $450,000 in County Bonds to finance Miscellaneous Restoration and Rehabilitation projects at the County Airport (A066A).

Env. Item #39 – A Bond Act authorizing the issuance of $3,100,000 in County Bonds to finance Airport Plaza/Intersection Improvements (A0077).

Env. Item #40 – A Bond Act authorizing the issuance of $800,000 in County Bonds to finance Cleanup of the County Road Staging Area (A0082).

Env. Item #41 – A Bond Act authorizing the issuance of $250,000 in County Bonds to finance Airport Electrical System Upgrades (A0025).

A discussion ensued among the Committee members and Commissioner Salley. The two Chairs requested several items from Commissioner Salley. They both noted that they would like to see the following items before the committees take a vote:

· (A0077) – all plans and relocation maps
· (A0082) – copy of the plan, copy of the consent decree

· (A0025) – a map

Chair Kaplowitz asked Commissioner Salley to please check and see if there is any way to combine any of these projects in order to save money.

Commissioner Salley agreed to provide both Committee Chairs with all of the above. Chair Abinanti and Chair Kaplowitz then agreed to address these items again, jointly, at the May 24th B&A meeting.

At 4:55pm Legislator Abinanti made a motion to adjourn Budget & Appropriations. Seconded by Chair Kaplowitz, all in favor – aye.

At 4:56pm Legislator Kaplowitz made a motion to adjourn Environment. Seconded by Chair Abinanti, all in favor – aye.

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