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COMMITTEE ON THE ENVIRONMENT: Chair: Abinanti – Legislators: LaMotte, Myers, Ryan

COMMITTEE ON HEALTH: Chair: Stewart-Cousins - Legislators: Alvarado, Abinanti, Ryan

IN ATTENDANCE: BOL STAFF: Tara Bernard; CEO: Kevin Ryan; PLN/SWCD: Rob Doscher, Gina D’Agrosa PMC: Roberta Wiernik, Dr. Lucy Waletsky, Will Heintz, Jody Gangloff-Kaufmann; OTHERS: Richard Presser (Greenburgh Parks & Rec.); Emmett Pepper (CCE); Susan Goodwin (LWV)

TOPIC: Pest Management Committee Annual Report
Soil & Water Conservation District Annual Report

Chair Abinanti called the Environment Committee to order at 3:35pm.
Chair Stewart-Cousins called the Health Committee to order at 3:35pm.

Guest Speaker Roberta Wiernik gave an overview of the Pest Management Committee’s Annual Report. She mentioned that the DPW reduced its pesticide use by fifty percent (50%). Dr. Lucy Waletsky discussed the education aspects of the PMC (public, landscapes, retailers, etc.).

Legislator Abinanti asked if Westchester shares land with other municipalities, is there oversight to ensure those municipalities are using Best Management Practices? Gina D’Agrosa replied that there is usually an IMA reflecting such.

Legislator Abinanti asked if there is any policy regarding deer. Mrs. Wiernik responded that they don’t handle deer but do oversee deer repellent.

Jody Gangloff-Kaufmann requested that the County hire a pest management coordinator. Mrs. Wiernik noted that they are not getting any response to their inquiries to county departments.

With regards to golf course maintenance, Will Heintz noted that there is no good time to close off the greens, but they must close one day until 9:00am to do it. Chair Stewart-Cousins asked how often this needed to be done. Mr. Presser replied once a week.

Chair Stewart-Cousins noted that we created the PMC, we need to advocate for department responses on their behalf. Legislator Abinanti suggested that the Committees should discuss how to do this. Legislator LaMotte thanked the members of the PMC for all there hard work.

Mr. Doscher gave an overview of the 2004 report and the 2005 work plan of the Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD). He noted that the SWCD is regulated by state law, not by county charter.

Legislator Abinanti suggested that Mr. Doscher return at a later date with additional members to further discuss the SWCD report and work plan.

Chairman Ryan made a motion to approve the minutes of 9/13/04. Seconded by Legislator Myers, all in favor – aye (4-0).

At 4:41pm, Legislator Abinanti made a motion to adjourn the Health Committee. Seconded by Chair Stewart-Cousins, all in favor – aye.

At 5:25pm, Legislator Myers made a motion to adjourn the Environment Committee. Seconded by Chairman Abinanti, all in favor – aye.

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