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MINUTES: June 27, 2005

COMMITTEE ON THE ENVIRONMENT: Chair: Abinanti – Legislators: Myers, Kaplowitz

IN ATTENDANCE: BOL STAFF: Tara Bernard; OTHERS: From the SCLHG: Susan Leifer, Miranda Jones, Julius Shultz, Karen Shultz, George Klein, and Miranda Jones; Julie Rinnie (NYLCV), Michael Long (CEO)

TOPIC: Air Quality Concerns at County Airport (Sierra Club)

Chair Abinanti called the meeting to order at 3:12pm.

Guest George Klein, speaking on behalf of the Sierra Club, voiced concern pertaining to the County Airport as related to the Healthy Air Task Force. He also mentioned the NESCAUM Report on air pollution, produced with EPA funding; the Sierra Club Lower Hudson Group provided the Board (sent to Legislator Abinanti) with a summary of the Report in a letter dated May 24, 2005.?

Julius Shultz reported that 85% of airport pollution is generated from take-off and landing. He also contended that the HATF report does not state the cause of airport pollution. Legislator Abinanti responded that the scope of HATF is to focus on items that the County can regulate.

Mr. Klein agreed to talk to Peter Iwanowicz of the American Lung Association.

Karen Shultz explained that nowhere in the country is there an airport within 250 yards from a drinking water supply.

Legislator Kaplowitz questioned if there are other airports that feature stronger environmental controls. He also requested that the Sierra Club find examples of retrofit technology, special/alternative fuels, etc.

Legislator Kaplowitz also suggested that the Board have a conversation with the Department of Transportation Commissioner in order to start a dialogue. He asserted that new standards are needed regarding a type of small plan; the Sierra Club was requested to provide the Board with appropriate language.

It was determined that the following information was needed by the Board from the Sierra Club: 1. information concerning types of small aircrafts that are more amenable to pollution reduction; and 2. information on the pollution control measures of other airports.

Because no quorum was present at the meeting, voting cannot take place – dialogue only.

At 3:50pm, Legislator Kaplowitz made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Chair Abinanti, all in favor – aye.

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