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MINUTES: June 20, 2005

COMMITTEE ON THE ENVIRONMENT: Chair: Abinanti – Legislators: Rogowsky, Myers, LaMotte, Kaplowitz

IN ATTENDANCE: BOL STAFF: Tara Bernard; OTHERS: From LWV: Polly M. Kuhn, Bruce Gilchrist, Roberta Wiernik, Carol Z. Hurford, Marion S. Sinek, Robina Ramsay, Janet Jaidi; Elizabeth Ganga (Journal News)

TOPIC: Sewage Disposal Options for New Castle (LWV)

Chair Abinanti called the meeting to order at 3:45pm.

Roberta Wiernik of the League of Women Voters of New Castle provided an overview of a report produced by the League of Women Voters of New Castle – a 2004 study on the sewage disposal option for New Castle. This report is on file, along with an April 4, 2005 letter from the LWVNC to Legislator Abinanti, disclosing the group’s concern over the impacts of sewage disposal on water quality in the Croton Watershed.

Robina Ramsay reported that septic inspections performed by the Department of Health are not happening. Legislator Abinanti responded that the DOH lacks the manpower. Legislator Kaplowitz added that the Board voted years ago to bolster the DOH’s capability to perform these inspections. Another member of the LWV then reported that some areas are rocky and tough – difficult for the DOH to access, and therefore inspect; diversion for such areas beyond repair was recommended.

Bruce Gilchrist asserted that solutions to political issues require a “give and take” approach. In response to this claim, some thoughts were voiced including taxes from homeowners, funding from the County, odor remediation, a place at the table during talks.

Legislator Kaplowitz stressed that sewage diversion should be handled by the Environment Committee. He also requested information concerning what the DOH’s current practices are in reference to septic inspections, and that the LWVNC be invited back into a future committee meeting.

Legislator Kaplowitz thanked the members of the LWV and asked if they had yet reached out to Governor Pataki, the Department of Environmental
Protection, the DEC, and the NYS Department of Health – and if not, he encouraged them to do so.

At 5:10pm, Legislator Kaplowitz made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Legislator LaMotte, all in favor – aye.

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