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MINUTES: January 26, 2004

MEMBERS:Chair: Abinanti – Legislators: Kaplowitz, LaMotte, Maisano, Latimer, Rogowsky

IN ATTENDANCE:BOL STAFF: Tara Bernard; CEO: B. Randolph; OTHERS: Susan Goodwin (LWV)

1) Organizational 2) David Gordon – Atty, Riverkeeper (Fish kills)

Chair Abinanti called the meeting to order at 3:15pm.

Chair Abinanti led the discussion to establish some committee meeting guidelines. He stated that the Environment Committee will maintain its “Monday at 3pm” time slot and would probably meet three out of four Mondays a month. There will be no meeting on Monday, February 2nd due to NYSAC, but the committee will meet on Monday, February 9th at 3pm.

There was some discussion on setting a committee quorum to meet and also to vote. It was decided that for the committee to meet and conduct business, a minimum of three (3) members would need to be present. A motion was made by Legislator Maisano, seconded by Legislator LaMotte, all in favor – aye (Latimer out for vote). In order for a measure to be passed or defeated, a minimum of four (4) members would be required to cast a vote. A motion was made by Legislator Rogowsky, seconded by Legislator LaMotte, all in favor – aye (Latimer out for vote).

Further discussion ensued with regards to the formation of subcommittees.

Chair Abinanti reestablished the Long Island Sound Subcommittee and named Legislator Maisano as its chair. Chair Abinanti also asked the committee members to let him know if there was a subcommittee they would like to be created and he would accommodate them.

Legislator Maisano noted that there would be a meeting of the LISS on February 11th at 7:30pm at New Rochelle City Hall, regarding beach closings. He asked that Tara Bernard attend the meeting and, along with David Simpson (Maisano’s support staff), write a report on the issue and the meeting.

At the request of Chair Abinanti, the committee members advised Tara how each would prefer to be notified of meetings, events, etc.

Chair Abinanti then introduced the scheduled guest speaker David Gordon, Senior Attorney for Riverkeeper, Inc. Mr. Gordon distributed a Riverkeeper booklet and two handouts (on file). He spoke about the excessive fish kills at Indian Point. Mr. Gordon briefly discussed the details of the upcoming DEC public hearing on the IP Draft SPDES Permit. He then explained to the committee members that IP withdraws about 2 billion gallons of water per day from the Hudson for cooling purposes (the maximum amount allowed is 2.5 billion gallons per day). The water passes through 1-2 inch mesh trash screens, along with yearlings and larvae. Larger fish are not harmed by this process. Mr. Gordon noted that although stopping entrainment completely is not possible, the construction of cooling towers at the site would reduce fish kills by more than 95%.

At 4:08pm, a motion to adjourn was made by Legislator Kaplowitz, seconded by Legislator Rogowsky. All in favor – aye.

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