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MINUTES: January 10, 2005

MEMBERS: Chair: Abinanti – Legislators: Kaplowitz, Rogowsky, LaMotte

IN ATTENDANCE: BOL STAFF: Ann Giordano; PLN: Sabrina Charney; OTHERS: Susan Goodwin (LWV); Cesare Manfredi (FCWC); William Cooke, Ellen Weininger, Patricia Wood (Grassroots Environmental Education)

TOPIC: Pesticides – Healthy Lawn Program


Chair Abinanti called the meeting to order at 4:03pm.

Today’s guest speaker, Patti Woods (Executive Director, Grassroots Environmental Education) introduced herself and her colleagues to the committee members. She then handed out some pamphlets and explained to the committee the details of their Healthy Lawn Program (organic lawn care and landscaping), for which they have contracted with the County.

Ms. Woods noted that her organization chose Westchester County because it is #1 in the New York State Pesticide Registry. She continued by stating that pesticide consumption is on the rise and we must educate the public and landscape businesses. For example, reaching out to garden clubs.

The New York State Turf Association has a video entitled “Growing Your Business Naturally”. Their President, Joe Tinelli can be contacted for further details.

There was much discussion on dangers of pesticide and how they affect children and even adults. It is anticipated that this project will take 2-3 years. It was suggested that each Legislator have tapes and other information available for constituents who are interested in organic lawn care.

At 4:48pm, Legislator LaMotte made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Chairman Abinanti, all in favor – aye.

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