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MINUTES: February 9, 2004

MEMBERS: Chair: Abinanti – Legislators: Kaplowitz, LaMotte, Maisano, Latimer, Rogowsky

IN ATTENDANCE: BOL STAFF: Tara Bernard; CEO: B. Randolph; DOT: Bob Funicello, Robert Bracchitta; DEF: Jim Hogan; OTHERS: Genevieve Tahang (NYPIRG), Dena Ventrudo (NYPIRG), Maureen Dolan (CCE)

1) Environmental Management System at WC Airport (A&C)
2) Proposed “Bottle Bill”
3) Approval to send two resumes to COD for appointment to the Pest Management Committee

Chairman Abinanti called the meeting to order at 3:17pm. He introduced Bob Funicello of WCDOT and requested that he explain to the members the background of the A&C item in question – an Environmental Management System for the WC Airport. Mr. Funicello explained that the item authorizes a contract to take the next step in putting an Environmental Management System in place – insuring that environmental concerns are considered in every management action taken at the Airport and by all who work at the airport as well. Mr. Funicello noted that Denver Airport is among the many that are seeking to implement this same system. He then proceeded to present his views to the committee members.

Mr. Funicello made special note of the company proposed to complete this project, First Environment, which is ISO14001 certified. A handout (on file) was distributed for further details. Mr. Funicello continued to stress the importance of properly and formally educating the Airport management staff on environmental standards, priorities and issues. He advised the committee members that the timing of this contract extension request is vital, due to the fact that the WC Airport is currently preparing for their upcoming Environmental Audit. The committee members agreed that the contract renewal should proceed through the A&C process for approval.

Chairman Abinanti asked that the members review the draft minutes of January 26th before proceeding to the next item for discussion.

After a motion by Legislator Latimer, seconded by Legislator Kaplowitz, the minutes of January 26th were unanimously approved 5-0 (Maisano out for vote).

Chairman Abinanti then introduced Genevieve Tahang of NYPIRG and Jim Hogan of DEF. Both expressed their full support of the proposed, expanded Bottle Bill, which, if passed, would include all beverage containers (including non-carbonated beverages) with the exception of liquor, wine, infant formula and milk containers. Ms. Tahang gave a brief history of the past 20 years since the original bill was passed, noting that this past year alone there was $179 million in unclaimed recycling deposits and $1.2 billion since 1983. Chairman Abinanti asked where that money goes. Ms. Tahang responded that the unclaimed proceeds end up going back to the beverage industry distributors (who are usually also the manufacturers). The new proposal would require that non-redeemed deposits go back to the state for the purpose of funding environmental programs.

Legislator Rogowsky asked Mr. Hogan if establishments are mandated to redeem only what they sell – Mr. Hogan replied, yes. Mr. Hogan also noted that bottles are bar-coded, so manufacturers can track what distributor gets what nickel.

Legislator Maisano stated that he would like to hear from the beverage industry on the topic. The other members agreed. Chairman Abinanti then set a date for this meeting - Monday, March 8th at 3:00pm. He asked Ms. Tahang and Mr. Hogan if they would be willing to return for this meeting – they agreed. Legislator Maisano said that he would contact one or two people/distributors that he is familiar with and ask that they attend and testify at the March 8th meeting.

Next, Chairman Abinanti reviewed a Legislative Alert from NACo, asking legislative bodies to send a letter or a resolution to their Federal Delegations, requesting that they oppose language in any legislation that could protect producers of MTBE. After some discussion, the members agreed that they would not put forth a resolution but asked that, instead a letter be circulated to all 17 members of the Board.

Lastly, Chairman Abinanti asked the members to review two resumes for appointment to the Pest Management Committee (PMC) to fill vacancies created by new legislation that was recently passed by the full Board to increase the voting members of the Pest Management Committee from 7 to 9. Proposed to fill the vacancies are: 1) Rick Harper - the PMC’s representative from Cornell Cooperative Extension; 2) Jody L. Gangloff-Kaufmann, Ph.D. Both candidates have been highly recommended by the PMC Chair Roberta Wiernik. The members reviewed the resumes and agreed both candidates would be an asset. On the motion of Legislator Maisano, seconded by Legislator Latimer, the committee voted 4-0 (Rogowsky and Kaplowitz out for vote) to allow the two candidates to proceed to the Committee on County Officers & Departments (COD) for formal appointment, provided that the candidates’ home addresses and phone numbers were provided (on file).

Legislator Maisano reminded the members that there would be a meeting of the LISS on February 11th at 7:30pm at New Rochelle City Hall, regarding beach closings.

At 4:10pm, a motion to adjourn was made by Legislator Latimer, seconded by Legislator Maisano. All in favor – aye.

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