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MINUTES: February 7, 2005

COMMITTEE ON THE ENVIRONMENT: Chair: Abinanti – Legislators: Kaplowitz, Rogowsky, Maisano,

COMMITTEE ON BUDGET & APPROPRIATIONS: Chair: Kaplowitz – Legislators: Abinanti, Bronz, Oros, Rogowsky, Stewart-Cousins, Wishnie

COMMITTEE ON PARKS & RECREATION: Chair: Alvarado – Legislators: Astorino, Pinto, Spreckman

IN ATTENDANCE: BOL STAFF: Tara Bernard, Diana Toledo, Bob Boland, Ray Indelicato; PLN: Jerry Mulligan (Commissioner), Anthony Zaina, Pat Natarelli

TOPIC: Ichabod’s Landing Presentation


Chair Abinanti called the Environment Committee to order at 3:23pm.

Chair Kaplowitz called the Budget & Appropriations Committee (B&A) to order at 3:23pm.

Chair Alvarado called the Parks Committee to order at 3:23pm.

Commissioner Mulligan gave an overview of the project. Referring to a map displayed on an easel, he noted that the Ichabod’s Landing project would take up approximately 1.05 acres of direct waterfront property on the Hudson River in the Village of Sleepy Hollow.

Chair Kaplowitz reviewed the budgetary aspects of the project, explaining the tax benefits.

Mr. Natarelli explained there would be no maintenance cost to the County.

Chair Alvarado inquired as to the time sensitivity on the project. Commissioner Mulligan replied that Mr. Ginsburg (the developer) is waiting to see what the Board of Legislators approves before beginning any improvements.

Chair Kaplowitz requested that the Committee members be provided with a copy of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

Legislator Rogowsky mentioned that Commissioner Mulligan noted that the funding would be coming from capital project BLA01.

Legislator Wishnie inquired as to the County’s liability. Commissioner Mulligan replied that the municipality is responsible for maintenance and liability.

Chair Abinanti requested a comparison between what was originally proposed and what is now being proposed.

Mr. Zaina stated that the estimated value of the work on the park would be a total of about $1.8 million in construction, plus $150,000 in soft costs, plus $350,000 in improvements (construction and soft costs) to Horan’s Landing Village Park.

Legislator Oros requested that Commissioner Mulligan provide the Committees with a report regarding the status of all the municipalities involved in this project.

Chair Abinanti would like the developer to come before the Committees and explain the project.

At 4:20pm, Legislator Kaplowitz made a motion to adjourn the Environment Committee. Seconded by Chairman Abinanti, all in favor – aye.

At 4:10pm, Chair Kaplowitz made a motion to adjourn the Budget & Appropriations Committee. Seconded by Legislator Rogowsky, all in favor – aye.

At 4:10pm, Legislator Pinto made a motion to adjourn the Parks Committee. Seconded by Legislator Astorino, all in favor – aye.

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