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ENVIRONMENT MEMBERS: Chair: Abinanti – Legislators: Kaplowitz, Rogowsky, LaMotte, Myers, Maisano, Ryan

IN ATTENDANCE: BOL STAFF: Tara Bernard; CEO: Andrew Neuman; DOT: Robert Funicello; OTHERS: Lillian Jones (American Cancer Society), Emmett Pepper (CCE), Adiel Gavish, Cesare Manfredi (FCWC), Michelle Bicek (Environmental Defense), Peter Iwanowicz (American Lung Association), Steven J. Levy (Sprague Energy), Susan Goodwin (LWV), Katharine Fendler (student observer)

TOPIC: PCBs in caulk and other industrial materials


Chair Abinanti called the meeting to order at 3:10pm.

Guest speaker Steven J. Levy of Sprague Energy said that starting in 2007 all on-road diesels must use ultra low fuel. Currently, the lowest use is 1500 ppm. In 2010, all vehicles must use ultra low sulfur fuel. Mr. Levy further noted that Marine and locomotive fuel will meet the 15 ppm standard by 2012. Mr. Manfredi added that Amtrack has already voluntarily switched to 500 ppm fuel.

The current (2005) fuel standard for non-road vehicles is 2200 ppm, with a 2007 goal of 500 ppm, and a 2010 goal of 15 ppm. Home (and office) heating oil is currently between 2200 – 2500 ppm, with no future mandates for reduction as of now. Peter Iwanowicz noted that the goal is to harmonize all these fuels into one standard.

Mr. Levy noted that the petroleum industry would like to see the entire northeast convert if one state converts.

Chair Abinanti stated that he would like DPW and Parks to be at the next meeting.

Legislator Kaplowitz noted his support for these efforts. He also expressed interest in the cost of all this to the County.

The following minutes were unanimously approved 5-0:
10/12/04 – on the motion of Legislator Rogowsky, seconded by Legislator Kaplowitz; 11/08/04 - on the motion of Legislator Rogowsky, seconded by Legislator LaMotte; 11/15/04 (2pm) - on the motion of Legislator Kaplowitz, seconded by Chair Abinanti; and 12/06/04 - on the motion of Legislator LaMotte, seconded by Chair Abinanti.

At 4:40pm, Legislator Kaplowitz made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Chair Abinanti, all in favor – aye.

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