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MINUTES: April 19, 2004

MEMBERS: Chair: Abinanti – Legislators: Kaplowitz, Maisano, Latimer, Rogowsky, LaMotte

IN ATTENDANCE: BOL STAFF: Tara Bernard; CEO: Andrew Neuman; PLN: Gina D’Agrosa, David Kvinge OTHERS: Susan Goodwin (LWV); Edna Sussman (AFTE); Barbara Wilkens (AFPB)

1) Agricultural & Farmland Protection Plan
2) Action for Tomorrow’s Environment (AFTE)

Chair Abinanti called the meeting to order at 3:18 pm.

At the request of Chair Abinanti and Legislator Kaplowitz, Barbara Wilkens, Chair of the County’s Agricultural & Farmland Protection Board (AFPB) came to address the committee and give the members an update on the AFPB’s activities. Ms. Wilkens noted that, along with the Planning Department, they have been working on the recent allowance by the NYS Department of Agriculture, to increase Westchester’s Agricultural District. Legislator Kaplowitz asked Ms. Wilkens and the Planning Department staff to submit a list of the proposed additions, thus far. They agreed.

Chair Abinanti introduced Edna Sussman, President of Action for Tomorrow’s Environment (AFTE), a new environmental group which she founded. Ms. Sussman explained her organization’s goals and mission statement and gave a short power point presentation, of which a hard copy was also given to each legislator. She concluded by reiterating the primary goal of AFTE is protect the air, land, water and other natural resources, as well as to foster sustainability.

A motion was made by Legislator Rogowsky to approve the March 29th and April 13th minutes, seconded by Chair Abinanti, all in favor – aye (approved 5-0, Kaplowitz out for vote).

At 4:25pm, a motion to adjourn was made by Legislator Rogowsky, seconded by Legislator LaMotte, all in favor – aye.

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