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COMMITTEE ON THE ENVIRONMENT: Chair: Abinanti – Legislators: Rogowsky, Myers, Maisano, Ryan

IN ATTENDANCE: BOL STAFF: Tara Bernard; OTHERS: Kevin Ryan, Andrew N., Lillian Jones (American Cancer Society), Emmett Pepper (CCE), Adiel Gavish (FCWC), Michelle Bicek (Environmental Defense), Glenn Goldstein ( NESCAF), Bill Randolph

TOPIC: Healthy Air Task Force Report


Chair Abinanti called the meeting to order at 3:22pm.

New York City local law seventy-seven (77) was passed. Now the DEP propose regulations. Once the regulations are put out and the kinks are worked out then Westchester should pass the same regulations.

Legislator Abinanti wants to follow up and be consistent with New York City.

Glen Goldstein is a diesel emissions control expert in New York City.

There are two (2) issues: how do you define best available technology? Legislator Rogowsky asked is there enough home heating oil fuel out there today?

Guest speaker Glenn Goldstein said yes and it is sulfur free.

Legislator Rogowsky wants an FIS for all the legislators. What impact will it have on our procurement process?

Legislator Abinanti wants to know if there is enough ultra low diesel to accommodate Westchester, New York City, Rockland.

Guest Speaker Michele Bicek said that New York City is using “BART” (best available retrofit technology) in language in all five (5) clean air bills.

At 4:30pm, Legislator Kaplowitz made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Chair Abinanti, all in favor – aye.

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