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MINUTES: May 10, 2005

ENERGY/ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMBERS: Chair: M. Rogowsky – Legislators: G. Oros, W. Ryan

IN ATTENDANCE: CEO: B. Randolph, K. Ryan, M. Long; CA: B. McGrath; BUDGET: L. Bennett; FINANCE: T. Hartford; DPW: R. Butler; COWPUSA: E. Gibbs; BOL STAFF: S. Bass; Guests: R. Solomon, S. Cruz


With a quorum present, the Committee on Energy & Economic Development was called to order at 11:45 a.m.

Chair Rogowsky began a discussion on the County purchasing Hybrid Vehicles. Mr. McGrath discussed the legal opinion which was distributed. He stated he will be doing more research and will provide additional information soon. He reminded the Committee that before legislation is done they need to know the fiscal impacts.

Ms. Bennett discussed the budgetary impacts and what action the Board will need to take.

The Committee will wait for the County Attorney’s office to come back with an opinion. We will then follow up with the Budget Department and the County Executives Office.

Ralph Butler, Commissioner of DPW will need the money in his budget to purchase the vehicles for ’06. They place their orders in January and February for August. He talked about the purchasing, current need for new vehicles, and gas savings. Over the next coming years there will be more technology coming out. The Current directive from the County Executive is to purchase 45 Hybrid automobiles. He is expecting to have about $1,000,000 for vehicles.

There needs to be a further discussion about Commuter Parking and passing legislation which will amend the charter to permit people with Hybrid Vehicles to park for free. Currently the Parks Board sets parking fees. Legislation can be passed which would allow the Board of Legislators to override The Parks Board.

Randy Solomon from the New York Power Authority’s Electric Transportation Group spoke to the Committee about the different Hybrid Vehicles that are available and their effectiveness.

(Ryan, Oros) move to approve the Committee Minutes of January 15, 2005. Passed 3-0

(Oros,Ryan) Moved to adjourn Energy and Economic Development. Motion carried 3-0.


Committee on Budget and Appropriations adjourned at 12:38 PM.

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