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MINUTES: June 7, 2005

MEMBERS: Chair: M. Rogowsky – Legislators: C. Young, G. Oros

IN ATTENDANCE: CEO: B. Randolph; CA: T. Ashular; EED: A. Landi; B. Matarazo; COWPUSA: E. Gibbs; BOL STAFF: S. Bass, B. Bochow;

With a quorum present, the Committee on Energy & Economic Development was called to order at 9:39 a.m.

Chairman Rogowsky began the discussion on the Resco plant in Peekskill. Mr. Matarazo gave a brief history and talked about the future of the contract. The refuse districts have several different services.

Commissioner Landi joined the discussion and talked about what will happen when the agreement expires. In 2009 all the IMA’s with the municipalities will expire. At that time The Board of Legislators can consider renewing the contract and increasing the tipping fees, which are charged to municipalities. In the past it was increased in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

There was then additional discussion with Mr. Gibbs about the agreement with Con Edison, which obligated them to buy the electricity. It allows the County to sell to a third party and obtain additional revenue. This too will be up for negotiation in 2009.

(Oros, Rogowsky) move to approve the Committee Minutes of May 10 , 2005. Passed 3-0

(Oros,Young) move to encourage passage of Assembly Bill A6571/Senate Bill S898 which will allow municipalities to purchase renewable energy at a slightly higher premium.

(Young, Oros) Moved to adjourn Energy and Economic Development. Motion carried 3-0. Committee on Energy and Economic Development adjourned at 10:27 am.

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