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MEMBERS: Chair: Marty Rogowsky; LEGISLATORS: Young, Ryan

IN ATTENDANCE: BOL: Schecter, Ettere; CEO: Bill Randolph; COWPUSA: Ed Gibbs, George Berry; AFTE: Edna Sussman; CEJ: Keith Christensen

The meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m.

Mr. Gibbs was asked to give an update on COWPUSA since his last visit to the Energy Committee. Legislator Rogowsky questioned Mr. Gibbs and Mr. Berry about two power lines built along the railroad tracks to New York City. The County wrote a letter in support of the project but the power is not needed by the County, Con Ed nor the Power Authority. Legislator Rogowsky felt the City needs more power and 2000 megawatts would help with brownouts but Con Ed would not bid for it so right now the lines are not transmitting power.

Mr. Gibbs had 10 points that he wished to comment on as he had to leave by 10:30 for a meeting with NYPA. Has 6 customers now expects 3 more. COWPUSA customers saved $2.6 million in 2002 compared with Con Ed customers and in 2003 they saved $3.3 million and the savings in 2004 will be even greater.

$250,000 is being allocated by COWPUSA for an Indian Point study.

Monthly Adjustment Charge case (MAC) was before PSC and they won the case. It is estimated that there will be a reduction of $100 million for all County rate payers. New York City may litigate but facts are on the side of COWPUSA.

Niagara Hydro-power has sold 600 megawatts to Niagara Mohawk, Rochester Gas & Electric and NYS Electric & Gas for their residential customers. No reason why Con Edison or COWPUSA should not have gotten some megawatts also. This will be discussed with NYPA.

Con Ed has 1900 steam customers in NYC and Westchester is subsidizing them by about $12 million. Con Ed built a new power plant and expected the cost of steam to go down but instead the cost of building the plant went up and so did the price of steam.

The Chairman of NYPA, Ed Gibbs and George Berry are working with Sal Carrera on a new municipal power agreement for 2005. Rates will probably go up.

There was a discussion about purchasing wind power and possibly selling some of the power.

Con Ed is requesting a substantial increase for delivery of power. Con Ed is asking for 12% increase.

The agency has its own web site that will be linked to westchestergov.com.

COWPUSA pays the County $20,000 for office space and works closely with the Board of Legislators and the County Executive. Their total budget is $100,000 per year.

Bennett Kielson is still doing COWPUSA’s book. NYSERDA has lots of good programs. Should be done through Energy Committee. COWPUSA doesn’t have the time. Energy might invite Pat Courtney down.

The Energy Committee needs 3 people for a quorum and 4 to vote on an item. They would like to change it to 2 and 3 respectively. Legislator Abinanti would like to be taken off the committee. Chair Ryan made an amendment changing the quorum to 2 and 3 for a vote. Legislator Young said that in order to take action, there needs to be a call for a re-organizational meeting.

Chair Ryan made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Legislator Young seconded the motion at 10:31 a.m.

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