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COMMITTEE ON Cultural and Ethnic Diversity

MINUTES: September 14, 2004

CED Committee MEMBERS: Chair: Young; Legislators: Alvarado, Bronz, Oros, Pinto

IN ATTENDANCE: CEO: Randolph; BOL: Perez

Meeting called to order by Chair Young at 2:35 p.m.

Legislator Pinto made a motion to approve the minutes for April 13, 2004. Seconded by Legislator Oros. The vote was 4-0.

Chair Young stated that there appears to be a lack of participation from women/minority owned businesses in applying for County contracts. The Committee should look into what business opportunities are available for minorities with Westchester County. We need to make sure that the County is meeting the guidelines as mandated.

Legislator Pinto requested a copy of the current guidelines. His understanding was that the County EEO guidelines established also apply to women/minority business in the County.

Legislator Oros stated that about five years ago the County did community outreach and informed minority businesses of the application and bidding processes in conducting business with the County.

Legislator Bronz stated that Delphi had done a study on the subject. Also an Executive Order may have been done by the County Executive regarding women/minority businesses. She suggested that the Committee should communicate with other Committees such as A&C, B&A, Public Works and any other committee who may have first hand knowledge about contracts. We should also request a periodic review of women/owned business participation in County contracts.

Legislator Oros recommended that the County should mail the list of pending projects to the various minority organizations that deal with business groups such as the African American Chamber of Commerce and the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. He also stated that sometimes you get the same vendors participating because they are familiar with the RFP/bidding process.

Legislator Alvarado stated that the County has recently sponsored events for minority groups and businesses regarding opportunities available.

Mr. Randolph explained that the AA Chamber of Commerce has a quarterly newsletter that is distributed to members.

Legislator Oros suggested that the County creates a web link of pending projects to the African American Chamber of Commerce.

Mr. Randolph elaborated on the fact that minority contractors are small business who need state certification and may need assistance filling out governmental forms. Those that business with a state certificate already appeared on the DASNY list and therefore their chances to bid and do business are better.

Legislator Pinto recommended that workshops should be provided in order to train minority businesses in learning the application process and dealing with the bidding process.

Legislator Alvarado stated that there are many permits/licenses required for which financial assistance and training in dealing with the paperwork is needed.

Legislator Bronz stated that the Department of Public Works publishes a newsletter indicating projects that are pending a bid.

Mr. Randolph indicated that another problem faced by minority business is working as subcontractors because sometimes they are not paid on time, therefore creating a financial difficulty to the small minority business owner.

Legislator Alvarado stated that getting Latino business people to attend a free workshop is a major issue. They have to be at work all the time in order to make money and cannot afford to attend the workshops.

Legislator Pinto stated that Commissioner Butler is very good in dealing with minority businesses.

Chair Young would like to have Sal Carrera and Commissioner Butler attend a CED meeting to discuss minority opportunities with the County.

Legislator Pinto made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 2:55 p.m. Seconded by Legislator Oros. All in favor – Aye.

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