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COD MEMBERS: Acting Chair, George Latimer, Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Bill Ryan

The meeting convened at 3:40PM.

On the motion Legislator Andrea Stewart-Cousins and seconded by Legislator Ryan, the minutes of 3/08/04 and 3/29/04 were approved.

Traffic Safety Board

Thomas Belfiore appeared before the committee where he discussed the desire to secure funds for Westchester to decrease the frequency of DWI incidents.

After a brief discussion, Legislator Stewart-Cousins made a motion to approve the appointment of Thomas Belfiore to the Traffic Advisory Board, with the term to expire 12/31/05. Legislator Ryan seconded the motion and the appointment was approved (3-0)

Legislator Latimer suggested that the committee consider all of the reappointments together. The committee was in accord with Legislators Latimer’s suggestion. A motion was made by Legislator Stewart –Cousins and was seconded by Legislator Ryan.

The Committee discussed the reappointment of the following individuals:

The motion was made by Legislator Stewart-Cousins and was seconded by Legislator Ryan for the following reappointments. The reappointments were approved (3-0).

Domestic Violence Council

Reappointment of Robin Bauer with the term to expire 12/31/06

Reappointment of Kimberly Thomsen with the term to expire 12/31/06

Electrical Licensing Board

Reappointment of Dennis McSpedon with the term to expire 12/31/07

Fire Advisory Board

Reappointment of Daniel Raftery with the term to expire 12/31/05

Police Advisory Board

Reappointment of Lawrence Graham with the term to expire 12/31/06

Council for Seniors

Reappointment of Jean Schwartz with the term to expire 12/31/05

After some discussion, the appointments of the following members of the Women’s Advisory Board were approved. On the motion of Legislator Latimer, seconded by Legislator Ryan, the following Appointments were approved (3-0)

Women’s Advisory Board

Appointment of Marie Rossi with the term to expire 12/31/05

Appointment of Reina Schiffrin with the term to expire 12/31/05

Appointment of Janet Walker with the term to expire 12/31/05

Appointment of Honorable Cecile Singer with the term to expire 12/31/05

Designation of Deputies:

On motion legislator Ryan, seconded by legislator Stewart-Cousins the designation of John E. Jackson as Deputy Commissioner in the Department of Emergency Services was received and filed:

The meeting was adjourned at 3:50PM.

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