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MINUTES: March 15, 2004

COD MEMBERS: Vito Pinto, Chair, Andrea Stewart-Cousins, George LatimerRobert Astorino, William Ryan


On motion of Legislator Latimer, seconded by Legislator Stewart-Cousins, the minutes for 3/8/04 were approved by a (5-0) vote.

The meeting convened at 5:55 PM.

The Committee discussed the reappointment of the following individuals:

Human Rights Commission:

The reappointment of Paul Ryan with the term to expire December 31, 2006

On the motion of Legislator Andrea Stewart Cousins, seconded by legislator George Latimer, was approved by a vote of (5-0)

Council for Seniors:

The reappointment of Eileen N. Madison with the term to expire December 31, 2005

On the motion of Legislator Latimer, seconded by Legislator Ryan, was approved by a vote of (5-0)

The reappointment of Sioux Taylor Term to expire December 31, 2005

On the motion of Legislator Latimer, seconded by Legislator Ryan, the motion was approved by a vote of (5-0).

The reappointment of Ronnie Amato Term to expire December 31, 2005

On motion of Legislator Latimer, seconded by legislator Ryan the motion was approved by a vote of (5-0).

Soil and Water Conservation Board:

The reappointment of Hon. R. Phyllis Wittner with the term to expire December 31, 2004.

On the motion of Legislator Latimer, seconded by legislator Astorino the motion was approved by a vote of (5-0).

Women's Advisory Board:

The reappointment of Rita Golden with the term to expire December 31, 2005.

On motion of Legislator Bill Ryan, seconded by legislator George Latimer, the motion was approved by a vote of (5-0).

Youth Board:

On motion of Legislator Andrea Stewart Cousins, seconded by legislator George Latimer the reappointment of Michael Carelli Term to expire December 31, 200 GL; ASC (5-0)

On motion of Legislator Andrea Stewart Cousins, seconded by legislator George Latimer the reappointment of Ann Spindel Term to expire December 31, 200 GL; ASC (5-0)

On motion of Legislator Andrea Stewart Cousins, seconded by legislator George Latimer the reappointment of Julie Frauenfelder Term to expire December 31, 200 GL; ASC (5-0)

Westchester Community College Board of Trustees

Jeremiah J. Jerome was added to the agenda by chairman Ryan . Mr Jerome was appointed on the motion of ASC; BR (5-0)

On motion of Legislator Andrea Stewart Cousins, seconded by legislator George Latimer the reappointment of

Receive and File:

Designation of Deputies – William Rehm, First Deputy Commissioner GL;ASC (5-0)

On the motion of Legislator Latimer, seconded by Legislator Stewart-Cousins the motion was approved unanimously by a vote of 3-0.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 6:10 P.M.

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