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Minutes: January 26, 2004

MEMBERS: Chair, Vito Pinto, Andrea Stewart-Cousins, George Latimer

The meeting convened at 3:15 PM.

Organizational Meeting:

Legislator Pinto welcomed the members of the committee.

The committee decided that two (2) members of the committee constituted a quorum to begin a meeting and three (3) members would be necessary to vote an item out of committee.

The motion was approved unanimously by a vote of 3-0. Legislator Stewart-Cousins made the motion to approve the item and Legislator Astorino seconded the motion.

The committee also decided that it would not set a specific meeting date and instead would meet on an as needed basis.

Legislator Latimer requested that the committee consider dividing the various commissions and boards amongst themselves based on their familiarity with them. Legislator Latimer felt that the committee member’s knowledge of the board or commission would enable the legislator interview the candidate(s) in a more efficient and effective manner.

The committee was amenable to the suggestion.

Chairman Pinto noted that as Chair he would like to pay closer attention to the terms of board and commission members.

Both legislator Pinto and Latimer discussed clustering appointments to make it more convenient for potential appointees and the committee to streamline the interview process.

Legislator Stewart-Cousins suggested that the committee make themselves more aware of what each commission and board is doing and evaluate their progress.

Legislator Pinto agreed and noted that he would like to set up a few meetings where the committee would meet with the commission or board during their meeting time or in the community.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:40.

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