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MEMBERS: Chair: Vito Pinto. Legislators: Astorino, Rogowsky, Spreckman, Stewart-Cousins.

IN ATTENDANCE: BOL: Ettere. CEO: Bill Randolph.

The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m.

Deferred Compensation Board

Robert J. Buckley is a resident of Mahopac and currently holds the rank of Captain at the Westchester County Jail. Mr. Buckley has been appointed as a union representative member of the Westchester County Deferred Compensation Board (DCB) for a term to expire December 31, 2007. He is Union President for the Westchester County Correction Superior Officers Association (SOA) and is also affiliated with several other organizations representing correction officers nationwide. Mr. Buckley has taken his oath of office and has attended one meeting.

Under Local Law 9-2003, the membership of the DCB was amended to add two union representative seats. Upon reading the revision, it was learned that members must reside in Westchester County. Mr. Buckley, a Putnam County resident, stated to the members that most union presidents do not live in Westchester. The members agreed Mr. Buckley would be a great asset to the Board since he has represented SOA since 1997. Mr. Buckley was asked by the members to not take part in any votes during DCB meetings until an opinion is received from the County Attorney’s office.

Electrical Licensing Board

Michael Whalen is a resident of Cross River and has over 25 years working as a journeyman and foreman in the electrical industry. He has been a business representative of Local Union No. 13, I.B.E.W. since 1996 and is a delegate to numerous labor organizations throughout Westchester County and Connecticut.

APPROVED: 1/31/05; ASC/BS COD-Minutes 1/18/05-Page1





Mr. Whalen will fill a vacancy due to the resignation of Dennis McSpedon. Mr. Whalen has taken the oath of office and has attended two meetings.

Legislator Rogowsky made a motion to approve the resolution confirming the appointment of Michael Whalen as a journeyman electrician representative of the Westchester County Electrical Licensing Board for a term to expire December 31, 2007, and it was seconded by Legislator Spreckman, The motion was carried by a vote of 5-0.

Human Rights Commission

Tejash V. Sanchala, Esq., a Scarsdale resident, is currently employed with 320 Holdings Inc., where he advises and counsels on employment law matters, including hiring, discipline, termination, discrimination and non-compete issues.

Mr. Sanchala has taken the oath of office and has attended one meeting, which he found to be very interesting.

Legislator Stewart-Cousins made a motion to approve the resolution confirming the appointment of Tejash Sanchala as a member of the Westchester County Human rights Commission for the term January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2007, and it was seconded by Legislator Rogowsky. The motion was carried by a vote of 5-0.


Legislator Rogowsky asked each of the appointees whether they had filed their Annual Financial Disclosures. Each candidate seemed to be unsure that they needed to do so and were under the impression that the Administration was going to follow up with them if it was necessary. In reviewing the standard appointment letters, it was suggested that Administration revise the language of the letter to reflect that it is necessary to file the disclosure and enclose the form as well.

On motion of Legislator Spreckman, seconded by Legislator Astorino, the meeting was adjourned at 4:39 p.m.

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