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Joint Meeting with LEG. and PSCJ

MINUTES: MAY 3, 2004

MEMBERS: Chair: Marty Rogowsky; Legislators: Abinanti, Latimer, Mosiello, Oros, Stewart-Cousins.

PSCJ MEMBERS: Chair: Richard Wishnie; Legislators: Kaplowitz, Mosiello, Rogowsky.

CA MEMBERS: Chair: Jose Alvarado; Legislators: Abinanti.

IN ATTENDANCE: BOL: Ettere, Corbin; LWV: R. MacLaughlin; CEO: A. Neuman; LAW: B. McGrath, L. Cipollo; CONSUMER PROTECTION: E. Price; OTHERS: K. Sullivan (NYSP/HIFCA), G. Murray (HIFCA).

The meeting was called to order at 1:12 p.m.

Item # 14 – ATM Registration

Item # 14 is a proposed local law that would add Article XXIII to Chapter 863 of the Laws of Westchester County with respect to requiring the registration of certain automated teller machines.

Investigators Sullivan (NYSP/HIFCA) and Murray made a presentation of a review and analysis of privately owned ATMs. (Presentation on file.) There are two main concerns with these types of ATMs: PIN based fraud & card compromise and theft.

There was a lengthy discussion. Some concerns were raised as to whether the County has jurisdiction over these types of matters, what department would handle the registration and the additional resources that department may need and the enforcement and penalties as it relates to registration.

There is pending state legislation (S.6496/A.8417).

Further discussion is needed.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:10 p.m.

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