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MINUTES: January 26, 2004

COMMUNITY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE MEMBERS: José Alvarado, Chair, Thomas Abinanti, Rob Astorino

IN ATTENDANCE: LEGISLATORS: José Alvarado, Rob Astorino; CE’O: Bill Randolph; PLANNING: Norma Drummond; Sandra Dolman, Peekskill resident.

Legislator Alvarado called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m.

A quorum was set at 2 members for a meeting and 2 members for action. A meeting time was set for Mondays at 2:00 p.m. and the committee will meet as necessary.

Legislator Alvarado said we have an ambitious agenda for this committee and a lot of other committees have been developed that will overlap with what we do. He will meet with the board chair to review the focus of the committee and the overlaps with other committees. He added that there are very important community issues that fall within the purview of what this committee has done historically and we have initiatives from last term that we would like to continue and give closure to. Any changes will be discussed at the next meeting.

The calendar was reviewed and topics were penciled in for February including February 2 for the Yonkers Rowing Club to come in and discuss their issue and February 23 for the housing grant programs of the Planning Dept.

Sandra Dolman discussed the closing of the Kiley Youth Center in Peekskill due to a long renovation under CDBG. Youth have nowhere to go after school and it is causing the community concern. Norma Drummond said the Housing Authority had not given the city much lead time as to when the contractor would start. There is definitely a crunch there with this major facility that usually handles between 250 and 350 kids unavailable—especially at this time of year where they cannot be outside in the parks. Legislator Alvarado suggested that Ms. Dolman submit a communication to the committee including any suggestions from the community. That item would be referred by the Board at the February 9 meeting and followed up with a meeting.

The referral item on the youth soccer club will be discussed at the next meeting, February 2.

Legislator Astorino made the motion to adjourn, seconded by Legislator Alvarado. Legislator Alvarado adjourned the meeting at 2:40 p.m.

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