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Joint with Budget & Appropriations and Public Safety


BUDGET & APPROPRIATIONS MEMBERS: Chair: Kaplowitz; Members: Abinanti, Rogowsky, Ryan, Stewart-Cousins, Wishnie

GUESTS: DPS: D. Ritucci, T. Belfiore, D. Langford; DOC: R. Pozzi, T. Czarnecki; LAW: J. Robertson, L. Alesio; DSS: S. Riordan; PRC: J. Stout, Budget: A. Vietro, L. Bennett; Planning: J. Mulligan, F. McLaughlin; DPW: R. Butler; CE’s office: B. Randolph, A. Neuman, K. Ryan, S; Tapper; K. Eddings, Journal News; BOL Staff: B. Boland, R. Indelicato, S. Vanderberg, S. Bass, C. Chang

With quorums present, the Committees on Budget & Public Safety were called to order at 10:25 am.

C66 (BPS10)
An Act authorizing $400,000 in bonds to fund the cost for the design of a new firing range to train law enforcement/public safety personnel. A new range facility is necessary in order for the Department to fulfill the ever-increasing need for a suitable facility to train new recruits and satisfy NYS mandated re-qualification of law enforcement/public safety personnel.

Officers are currently only being trained for proficiency, it is hoped the new facility will allow for more intensive additional training reducing the number of shootings and the chance of litigation resulting from them. Police related shootings average $2.5 million per incident. The new facility has to meet OSHA standards. Annual operating costs of the facility will average $500,000 to $760,000, this includes the salaries for 2-4 training officers and I maintenance worker.

After some discussion, it was decided this item would be held until additional information could be gathered and conversation had.

With a quorum present, the Committee on Community Affairs was called to order at 10:55 am.

An IMA with Cortlandt whereby the County’s Department of Public Safety will participate in the Town’s D.A.R.E. program for a term commencing March 1, 2004 and terminating on February 28, 2005.

Pursuant to the terms of the IMA, the County will provide the services of a County officer and the Town will pay the County $98.29 for each hour the officer contributes to the program.

For Budget: On the motion of Legislator Wishnie, seconded by Legislator Stewart-Cousins, the item carried 5-0. Legislator Abinanti out for vote.

For Community Affairs: On the motion of Legislator Ryan, seconded by Legislator Alvarado, the item carried 2-0.

For Public Safety: On the motion of Legislator Kaplowitz, seconded by Legislator Rogowsky, the item carried 4-0.

A27/C70 (BPL22)
An act authorizing the County to construct a memorial in remembrance to those residents of Westchester who lost their lives as a result of the terrorist attacks on September 11. 2001 and an Act issuing $150,000 in bonds to finance the construction of the memorial.

After surveying several possible locations, Kensico Dam was chosen as the site for its central location and heavy visitation rate.

For Budget: On the motion of Legislator Wishnie, seconded by Legislator Stewart-Cousins, the item carried 5-0. Legislator Ryan out for vote.

For Community Affairs: On the motion of Legislator Abinanti, seconded by Legislator Alvarado, the item carried 2-0. Legislator Ryan out for vote.

The Committee on Community Affairs adjourned at 11:20 am.

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