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MINUTES: February 14, 2005, 10:00 am

BUDGET & APPROPRIATIONS MEMBERS: Chair: Kaplowitz; Legislators: Bronz, Rogowsky, Wishnie, Stewart-Cousins, LaMotte, Abinanti, Ryan

COMMUNITY AFFAIRS MEMBERS: Chair: Alvarado; Abinanti, Bronz, Ryan

IN ATTENDANCE: CE’s office: S. Tolchin, A. Neuman, B. Randolph, K. Ryan; Budget: A. Vietro; Finance: P. Pucillo, S. Broege; DEF: J. Phelan; WCPD: N. Drummond, F. McLaughlin; DOC: P. Misciosia; Parks: D. DeLucia, W. C. Mathews; DPW: R. Butler; BOL: B. Boland, S. Bass, S. Vanderberg, R. Indellicato, J. Perez, D. Toledo, H. Corbin, B. Dodds; Guests: K. Eddings, F. Schwartz, J. Pollale

With a quorum present, the Committee on Budget and Appropriations was called to order at 10:26 a.m.


(Wishnie; Rogowsky) moved to accept the minutes of February 7, 2005.

Motion Carried 5-0.

Receive & File:

(Wishnie; Rogowsky), move to receive & file item B86 Correspondence re: East of Hudson Funds.

Motion Passed 5-0


With a quorum present, the Committee on Community Affairs was called to order at 11:31 am.

(Wishnie, Rogowsky) moved for Budget and Appropriations, (Bronz, Alvarado) moved for Community Affairs to authorize the filing to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for $8,703,487 and to authorize the county to submit to HUD an amendment to the five year FY 2004-2008 Consolidated Plan.

A discussion occurred about the significant reduction of Federal funds for CDBG. The CDBG program as we know it to exist today will be eliminated. Chairman Kaplowitz said he will draft a resolution urging our Federal delegation to fight to have the funding maintained.

There was also a discussion of this years applications and the projects which the Planning Department hopes to fund.

Motion approved for Budget and Appropriations 7-0.

Motion approved for Community Affairs 3-0.

(Bronz, Alvarado) Motion to adjourn the Committee on Community Affairs. Motion passed 3-0.

Community Affairs adjourned at 11:53 am.

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