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MEMBERS: Chair: Lou Mosiello; Legislators: Latimer, Young

IN ATTENDANCE: BOL: Ettere; CEO: A. Neuman; PLANNING: Ed Hoffmeister; TRUST FOR PUBLIC LAND (TPL): Erik Kulleseid

The meeting was called to order at 11:55 a.m.

Legislator Mosiello opened the meeting with comments on his belief that this county, in its Open Space Policy, has been targeting open space in areas where there is already quite a bit of open space by virtue of the zoning laws and ordinances. He would like to start the consideration of a process that would reclaim some of our open space in cities. He further stated that it is his intention to identify and appoint someone to Chair a Sub-Committee on Open Space in Westchester’s Urbanized Areas and that members can be recommended by the Mayors of Westchester’s cities. The goal of the sub-committee would be to identify funding sources and potential sites.

Erik Kulleseid, TPL’s New York State Program Director, stated that this proposal is crucial to the health of Westchester and its cities. Nationwide research has shown that usable open space is critical to maintaining the quality of life, the vitality of cities and boosts real estate values. The TPL has an abiding objective and it is part of their mission to work on obtaining open space in cities. They have helped White Plains and the City of Yonkers acquire open space and are currently assisting Larchmont in the conversion of Tony’s Nursery. TPL helps identify creative ways to buy and convert open space. (Materials on file.)

Legislator Latimer suggested a Committee Tour of urban areas; an attempt to gather a list of county resources that could be made available to local municipalities; to discuss the relative merits of active recreation vs. passive recreation and to identify other resources that can create partnerships (i.e. state, corporate, etc.)


On motion of Legislator Latimer, seconded by Legislator Mosiello, the minutes of January 26, 2004 were approved. The vote was 2-0. (Young out for the vote.)

On motion of Legislator Latimer, seconded by Legislator Mosiello, the meeting was adjourned at 12:15 p.m.

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