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MINUTES: October 12, 2004

MEMBERS: Chair: Kaplowitz; Legislators: Abinanti, Bronz, LaMotte, Mosiello, Rogowsky, Stewart-Cousins, Wishnie

HEALTH MEMBERS: Chair: Stewart-Cousins; Legislators: Abinanti, Ryan

PUBLIC SAFETY MEMBERS: Chair: Wishnie; Legislators: Kaplowitz, Mosiello, Rogowsky, Spreckman

TRANSPORTATION MEMBERS: Chair: Mosiello; Legislators: Bronz, Rogowsky, Spreckman

IN ATTENDANCE: CE’s office: A. Neuman, B. Randolph, K. Ryan; Budget: K. Carrano; DPW: R. Butler; DES: A. Sutton; DEF: R. Matarazzo; DOT: H. Stanton; Law: S. Gerry; Planning: F. McLaughlin; LWV: B. Strauss, F. MacEchren; K. Eddings, Z. Fugoru, Journal News; H. Corbin. M. Bodin; BOL: B. Boland, S. Bass, R. Indelicato, S. Vanderberg

With a quorum present, the Committee on Budget and Appropriations was called to order at 10:42 a.m.


On the motion of Legislator Mosiello, seconded by Legislator Rogowsky the minutes for October 4, 2004 were approved unanimously.

Held over from the previous meeting, this package of court ordered refunds to be paid by the Commissioner of Finance was discussed offline by BOL Fiscal Director, Bob Boland and the Commissioner Pucillo to the satisfaction of both.

On the motion of Legislator Wishnie, seconded by Legislator LaMotte the item carried unanimously.

A request to initiate an action to evict Leading Edge Interiors, Inc. from the County owned property located at 2 Loop Road, Westchester County Airport, New York.

After some discussion it was decided the item would be held until a subsequent meeting.

With quorums present, the Committees on Public Safety and Transportation convened at 10:44 am.

A retainer agreement with the law firm of Kaplan Kirsch & Rockwell LLP for provision of outside counsel services in connection with the extension and/or possible renegotiation of the Terminal Capacity Agreement at the Westchester County Airport, by increasing the not-to-exceed amount by an additional $200,000 from $400,000 to $600,000 and extending the tern thereof until June 30. 2005.

For Budget: On the motion of Legislator Rogowsky, seconded by Legislator Wishnie the item carried 7-0. Legislators Stewart-Cousins, LaMotte and Mosiello voted without prejudice.

For Transportation: On the motion of Legislator Rogowsky, seconded by Legislator Spreckman the item carried 3-0. Legislator Mosiello voted without prejudice.

The Committee on Transportation adjourned at 11:20 am.

The Committee on Health convened at 11:30am.

A Local Law authorizing the County to enter into an agreement with New York City and Nassau and Suffolk Counties for participation in the Regional Emergency Medical Services Mutual Aid Agreement. The Agreement shall remain in effect until terminated; a participant may withdraw from upon thirty days written notice.

For Budget: On the motion of Legislator Rogowsky, seconded by Legislator Wishnie the item carried 7-0. Legislators Stewart-Cousins, LaMotte and Mosiello voted without prejudice.

For Health: On the motion of Legislator Ryan, seconded by Legislator Stewart-Cousins the item carried 3-0. Legislator Abinanti voted without prejudice.

For Public Safety: On the motion of Legislator Spreckman, seconded by Legislator Ryan the item carried 5-0.

A $150,000 Bond Act to finance Capital project SY020 – the Tarrytown Forcemain Replacement. The Bond Act will fund a detailed feasibility and constructability study which is required due to the complex construction required for the repair or rehab of the Forcemain.

On the motion of Legislator Wishnie, seconded by Legislator Rogowsky the item carried 7-0.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 11:55 am.

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