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MINUTES: November 8, 2004

BUDGET & APPROPRIATIONS MEMBERS: Chair: Kaplowitz; Legislators: Bronz, LaMotte, Abinanti, Oros, Stewart-Cousins, Rogowsky, Ryan

CULTURAL & ETHNIC DIVERSITY MEMBERS: Chair: Young; Legislators: Alvarado, Bronz, Oros, Pinto

PUBLIC WORKS MEMBERS: Chair: Young; Legislators: Oros, Pinto, Rogowsky

HOUSING MEMBERS: Chair: Bronz; Legislators: Pinto, Alvarado

IN ATTENDANCE: CE’s office: A. Neuman, B. Randolph; Budget: K. Carrano, A. Vietro; DEF: A. Landi, J. Phelan; DPW: R. Butler, J. Marmol, M. Indelicato, J. Antonaccio, R. Abbamont; Parks: D. McBride, J. Stout, J. Montalto, P. Reitano; Planning: F. McLaughlin, J. Williams, N. Drummond, N. MacMillian, L. Kelly, J. Moynihan; DOT: L. Salley; LWV: B. Strauss, K. Schatzel; BOL: B. Boland, S. Bass, R. Indellicato, M. Davis; Guests: K. Eddings, F. MacEachron, H. Corbin, M. Bodin, A. Roberts

At 9:15 The Department of Public Works made a presentation of the 2005 Capital Projects Program. Legislators followed with questions for department heads.

With a quorum present, the Committee on Budget and Appropriations was called to order at 11:04 a.m.

With a quorum present, the Committee on Public Works & the Committee on Cultural & Ethnic Diversity (CED) was called to order at 11:04

(Bronz, Pinto) moved for CED (Oros, Rogowsky) moved for Public Works, and (LaMotte, Rogowsky) moved for Budget & Appropriations Committee the Peekskill Sewer District Modification of 2 parcels at Hill & Dale Road in Cortlandt.

Motion approved for CED 5-0(Ryan out), Motion approved for Public Works 4-0 (Ryan out); Motion approved for Budget and Appropriations 6-0 (Ryan, Abinanti out).

(Oros, Pinto) moved for CED, (Pinto, Rogowsky) moved for Public Works, (Oros, LaMotte) moved for Budget & Appropriations Peekskill Sewer District Modification of 1 parcel at Artis Road in Yorktown.

Motion approved for Budget and Appropriations 6-0 (Ryan, Abinanti out); Motion approved for CED 5-0; Motion approved for Public Works 4-0.

(Oros, Alvarado) moved for CED (Pinto, Rogowsky) moved for Public Works (Oros, LaMotte) moved for Budget & Appropriations Peekskill Sewer District Modification of 26 parcels located in Yorktown.

Motion approved for Budget and Appropriations 6-0 (Ryan, Abinanti out); Motion approved for CED 5-0; Motion approved for Public Works 4-0.

(Alvarado, Oros) moved to adjourn CED. Motion approved 5-0.
CED adjourned at 11:15.

(Pinto, Oros) moved to adjourn Public Works. Motion approved 4-0. Public Works adjourned at 11:15.

With a quorum present, the Committee on Housing was called to order at 11:15.

ITEM A17&A18
(Alvardo, Pinto) moved for Housing, (Stewart-Cousins, Rogowsky) moved for Budget and Appropriations an IMA with NYC to accept a federal grant from Housing Opportunities with persons with AIDS and an IMA with other various municipalities to administer grants from Housing Opportunities with Persons with AIDS.

Motion approved for Budget & Appropritations 6-0 (Ryan, Abinanti out). Motion approved for Housing 3-0.

ITEM A20/C92
IMA with Hastings-on-Hudson and a $345,000 bond act on division St. Affordable Housing Project. After discussion it was decided that Legislators will continue to review and ask questions and take this item up in 2 weeks.

(Alvarado, Bronz) moved to adjourn housing. Motion approved 3-0.

Housing adjourned at 11:42.

ITEM C62(RB089)

(LaMotte, Rogowsky) moved to approve $400,000 in bonds to rehab June Road.

Motion approved 8-0.

ITEM C79(RP039)

(Rogowsky, Kaplowitz) Moved to approve $2,200,000 in bonds for Playland Roof Replacement Project.

Motion approved 8-0 (Abinanti, LaMotte, Oros, Stewart-Cousins, WOP)

(Rogowsky, Ryan) moved to approve $250,000 in bonds for Mohansic Golf Course rehabilitation.

Motion approved 7-0 (Oros out), (Abinanti WOP)

(Rogowsky, Abinanti) moved to approve $1,400,000 in bonds for construction costs for athletic fields in Mount Pleasant

Motion approved 7-0 (Oros out)

Kate Carrano made a presentation of the third quarter budget projections.

(Rogowsky, Stewart-Cousins) moved to adjourn.

Motion approved 7-0. (Abinanti out)

Committee adjourned at 12:42 p.m.

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