MINUTES: November 16, 2004
MEMBERS: Chair: Kaplowitz; Legislators: Bronz, LaMotte, Rogowsky
IN ATTENDANCE: CE’s office: K. Ryan, B. Randolph; Budget: K. Carrano, A. Vietro, L. Bennett, J. Delaney, J. Arnett, C. Burkart; Finance: P. Pucillo, B. Stewart; LWV: B. Strauss; K. Blumenthal, Polling Advocate; Cora Greenberg, West. Children’s Assoc. BOL: B. Boland, S. Bass, R. Indellicato, S. Vanderberg Guests: K. Eddings, H. Corbin, M. Bodin
The Committee on Budget & Appropriations was called to order at 9:15 am.
Commissioner Pucillo gave members an overview of his department’s proposed 2005 Operating Budget. The following lines were highlighted:
Line 1010: Vacancies in budget reflect a decrease in purchasing department activity.
Line 4380: funds used for internal auditing services.
Line 5160: Reduction due to elimination of positions in purchasing and reduced warehouse needs.
Debt Service
Legislator Kaplowitz noted the TAN Borrowing ’04 projected line numbers were more in keeping with a 9 month period instead of the actual 3 month period. Commissioner Carrano said she would review department notes and follow up with members.
Committee Requests
Breakdown of Line 4380
A Schedule of the departmental revenue was provided.
Commissioner Carano gave an overview of the Department’s budget; noting the number of positions has remained the same over last few years, there have been operational changes in the department due to an increased use of automation. Departmental costs have been reduced by the printing of County Budgets on an as needed basis.
Commissioner Carrano noted were no cuts to contract agencies, although in most cases the ‘05 requested numbers are same as the ‘04 Contingency Budget numbers, differences in contingency & current forecast columns are based on the Auditors final report.
Line 2041: eliminated because it was a one-time expenditure.
Line 2155: decreased due to the decision by the courts to remove the New Rochelle Family Court.
Lines 2090 & 2091: State required municipalities to double fees for 18B Legal Aides, this rate is set and will only be increased by case volume or duration. A $2.4 million reimbursement from state lock box funds solicited from lawyers for various fees will offset this increase.
Line 2085: increasing due to cuts in criminal justice grants from NYS.
Line 2105: increased –estimated costs to review teamster’s contract.
Line 2110: increased –anticipated law dept. fees for increased activity.
Line 2115: increased as cost of tuition has increased.
Line 2130: a breakdown of those property’s owned by the County that have a local municipality liability.
Line 2172: a schedule will be provided
Line 4310: a schedule from PW will be provided
Line 4945: despite extremely low interest rates, interest assumption for portfolio remained at the then assumption rate. Since rectifying this, the interest assumption on the portfolio is down to 4%.
Line 4937: assumption rates have been lowered as well.
Commissioner Carrano said members could expect a presentation by County’s actuary.
In keeping with the County Executive’s announcement regarding additional funding for contract agencies, Commissioner Carrano explained ‘04 contingency funds had not been used as expected. Therefore, $1.6 million is available for contract agency use, $8 million will be used to make lump sum payments to and $2.6 million will fall to fund balance.
Committee Requests
1. A List of contract agencies affected will be provided.
2. A schedule of the mortgage tax by local municipality.
3. A List of initiatives the County helps local municipalities fund.
4. A list of all roll forwards.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 11:15 a.m.
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