MEMBERS: Chair: Kaplowitz; Legislators: Rogowsky, Ryan, Oros, Stewart-Cousins, Bronz
IN ATTENDANCE: CE’s office: K. Ryan, B. Randolph, A. Neuman; Budget: K. Carrano, A. Vietro, L. Bennett, J. Delaney, J. Arnett, C. Burkart; Finance: P. Pucillo; Law: J. Robertson; Consumer: E. Price: SWC: B. Berger, F. Fitzrandolph, L. Vetrone; DPW: J. Hsu; Plan: F. McLaughlin, N. MacMillan, L. Kelly; Med Cent: M. Brown, D. Powell; BOL: B. Boland, S. Bass, R. Indellicato; Guests: H. Corbin
The Committee on Budget & Appropriations was called to order at 9:13 am.
Weights & Measures
Commissioner Elaine Price gave an overview of the work her department is doing. We are increasing staff from 22 to 24 because of the ATM registration which is a very ambitious project. She had previously reduced a staff member to make the department revenue neutral. Those salary’s will be covered by the revenue from the ATM. Revenues are up from the previous year. The biggest challenge they will face is keep high quality service with the small staff the department has. Kaplowitz asked for information about zone pricing before the Legislation Committee takes it up next year. $300,000 worth of checks is expected to be written in ’05. The Department has eliminated a $500,000 tax levy and now has become revenue producing. They are a department which is state mandated and the staff works under state mandates.
It was suggested the Employee benefits should be part of the operating budget. Overtime is up because of the loss of staff from early retirement. The supplies are increased because of automotive gasoline.
Line 4420: Can we get a corrected schedule of technical services?
Consumer Advocacy Inspections are up because they are now doing prescription drugs and more gasoline price, and predatory lending inspections.
The department saves the county $400,000-$500,000 dollars would be a conservative amount.
Solid Waste Commission
Bruce Berger gave an overview of the Departments budget and some of the work being done. They are mandated to be Tax Levy neutral and are complying with that requirement. The budget is based solely upon application, license and per-truck fees, fines and charges which the Solid Waste Commission anticipates receiving from licensees and applicants during the 2005 calendar year. The projected revenues and expenses for 2005 total $1,218,472.
As a result of their activities they have seen a decrease of unlicensed carters. The revenue being asked to approve is $70,000 less then what is projected for this year. This is due to a one shot fine of about $125,000 they had in ’04.
Line 4380: This line covers hearing officers, backup litigation costs for case of overruns. They have pending lawsuits with the scrap metal industry and Peg Recycler. Due to the unpredictability of that they need to make sure to have money to pay for it. Mr. Boland requested a schedule of 2004.
They pay there administrative law judges by the hour. They currently have one available and are seeking to contract with a second one.
The Program Specialist revenues applications as they come in, does liaison work with the background investigation company, makes sure decals go out, and many other day to day tasks. They have investigators to do the enforcement and in-house staff to do paper work. There grade is determined by the Department of Human Resources.
The Chair of the Commission will need to be replaced. Mr. Loehr was elected County Court Judge and submitted his letter of resignation to the County Executive. Mr. Berger extended his congratulations to Mr. Loehr.
(Rogowsky, Bronz) moved to approve minutes of October 18, October 25, November 8. Motion approved 5-0. (Oros out).
(Ryan, Oros) move to appoint Mr. Justin Brasch to the Citizen Budget Advisory Committee. Motion approved 6-0.
The Committee will come in this year and meet with us. Kaplowitz asked that the CBAC Chairman be notified of the appointment.
A&C ITEM: 100 East First St. Mt. Vernon floor rehabilitation:
The Department has decided to withdraw the item.
ITEM A20/C92 & A21/C93:
(Bronz, Stewart-Cousins) move the authorization to purchase and subsequently convey the property located on Warburton Avenue and Division Street in the Village of Hastings-on-Hudson and to enter into an IMA with the Village of Hastings in connection with the HIF project known as the Division Street Affordable Housing Project
Motion approved 4-1 (Oros-Nay, Ryan out).
(Bronz,Stewart-Cousins) move for all purposes including amendments discussed to amend the transition agreement between the County and the Westchester County Health Care Corporation to increase the amount of credit support that the County is obligated to provide in 2005 and 2006 to $85,000,000 per year including to guarantee of any unpaid interest, in return for certain improvements in financial reporting to the County and an agreement to notify the County within twenty-four hours of any missed interest payments.
Chairman Kaplowitz requested the agreement be changed to also notify the Chairman of the Board of Legislators.
Kaplowitz asked to have the agreement changed to read:
In Section 2 the Corporation shall notify the commissioner of Finance, Budget Director, and Chairman of the Board of Legislators of any missed interest payment within 24 hours of its occurrence.
In Section 2(A) also The Chairman of The Board of Legislators shall be provided a copy of the Management Letter
In Section 2(E) also include The Chairman of the Board of Legislators to be notified in a material adverse change in the Corporation’s finances.
Kaplowitz asked if the Hospital will be able to pay their utility bills in 2005. Mary Brown stated that money was in the budget to do so. Motion approved 5-0 (Ryan out).
Chairman Kaplowitz reminded people tomorrow night at Eastchester Town Hall is the first budget hearing at 7:00 pm. Dinner will be provided before hand. The second one will be in Bedford on November 30th and the final one here on December 9th.
(Stewart-Cousins, Oros) move to adjourn. Motion approved 5-0 (Ryan out).
With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m.
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