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MINUTES: May 24, 2004

BUDGET & APPROPRIATIONS MEMBERS: Chair: Kaplowitz; Legislators: Rogowsky, LaMotte, Oros, Bronz, Stewart-Cousins, Wishnie

PUBLIC WORKS MEMBERS: Chair: Young; Legislators: Pinto, Ryan

GUESTS: CE’s office: A. Neuman, B. Randolph, K. Ryan; Budget: K. Carrano, A. Vietro, L. Bennett, C. Burkart; DEF: R. Matarazzo, A. Landi; Planning: D. Kvinge, F. McLaughlin, J. Williams; DOT: J. Murray, J. Russell, L. Salley LWV: B. Strauss; BOL: B. Boland, S. Bass, R. Indelicato, P. Neglia, H. Corbin; Guests: M. Bodin, B. Strauss, K. Eddings, C. Manrredi

With a quorum present, the Committee on Budget and Appropriations was called to order at 10:10 a.m.

Chair asked for a moment of silence for the young girl who passed away at Playland.

1. A1. (Oros, Wishnie) Moved to accept a $10,000 gift from Ginsberg Development LLC to be used by the Department of Planning to prepare a Design Oriented Land Use Board Printer. Passed 5-0.

2. Added Starter: (LaMotte, Bronz) Moved $1,375,870 fund transfer within the Miscellaneous budget for services for Indigent Defendants. Passed 7-0.

Mr. Young, 10:15 convened the committee on Public Works.

Public Works Committee Legislators: Young, Pinto, Wishnie, Oros, Rogowsky

3. C42(SM002) (LaMotte, Bronz) Moved for B&A, (Pinto, Wishnie) moved for Public Works to approve $500,000 in bonds for design, engineering, construction, and professional consulting services associated with the restoration of the Mamaroneck Waste Water Treatment Plant Outfall Jetty System and adjacent wetlands to their natural state. Passed B&A 7-0; Passed PW 5-0.

4. C44(SY006): (Wishnie, Rogowsky) Moved for B&A, (Wishnie, Rogowsky) Moved for Public Works to approve $1,000,000 in bonds. Yonkers Waste Water Treatment Plant. Passed B&A 7-0 Passed PW 5-0.

5. C50(RD003): (Rogowsky, Bronz) Moved for B&A, (Rogowsky, Pinto) moved for Public Works to approve 4,000,000 in bonds. Sprout Brook Ash Disposal. Passed B&A 7-0. Passed PW 5-0.

(Rogowsky, Pinto) Moved Public Works adjourn. Passed 4-0. Public Works adjourned at 10:40 AM.

6. C53(A066A): (Wishnie, Bronz) Moved to approve $450,000 in bonds for miscellaneous restoration and rehabilitation projects at the County Airport. Passed 5-0.

7. C54(A0077): (Wishnie, LaMotte) Moved to approve $310,000 in bonds for Airport Plaza/Intersection improvements. Passed 5-0.

8. C55(A0082): (Wishnie, Stewart-Cousins) moved to approve $800,000 in bonds for cleanup of the County Airport Road Staging Area. Passed 5-0.

9. C56(A0025): (Wishnie, LaMotte) Moved to approve $250,000 in bonds for Airport electrical system upgrades. Passed 5-0.

10. A&C item 26-LaMotte wants to find out the additional cost to residents. Boland said the cost is now 7.4 million.

(Wishnie, Stewart-Cousins) Move to adjourn. Passed 5-0.

Meeting Adjourned at 11:25 am.

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