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MINUTES: March 7, 2005

BUDGET & APPROPRIATIONS MEMBERS: Chair: Kaplowitz; Legislators: Bronz, Wishnie, LaMotte, Alvarado, Oros, Myers, Stewart-Cousins, Ryan

PARKS MEMBERS: Chair: Alvarado; Pinto, Myers, Ryan

HOUSING MEMBERS: Chair: Bronz; Alvarado, Pinto, Ryan

IN ATTENDANCE: CEO: S. Carrera, A. Neuman, B. Randolph, K. Ryan; Budget: K. Carrano, A. Vietro; CA: L. Alesio; Finance: P. Pucillo, S. Broege; WCPD: F. McLaughlin, A. Zaino, P. Natarelli; DPW: R. Butler; BOL: B. Boland, S. Bass, S. Vanderberg, R. Indellicato, D. Toledo, H. Corbin, B. Dodds; CBAC: B. Strauss; Guests: K. Eddings, M. Miklave, D. Douglas, B. Lozito, N. Bensal, M. Wittenberg

With a quorum present, the Committee on Budget and Appropriations was called to order at 10:17 a.m.


Chairman Kaplowitz welcomed Legislator Alvarado back to the budget committee. He also welcomed recently elected Legislator Judy Myers as the newest member of the Budget Committee. At our next meeting we will discuss whether we want to change quorum requirement since we will now have 11 members.


(Wishnie, LaMotte) move to approve the Committee Minutes of March 1, 2005. Chairman Kaplowitz noted that Legislator Bronz needs to be added to the list of Community Affairs members in attendance.

Motion carried 6-0.

(Wishnie, Alvarado) moved to approve the lease agreement with Hudson View for space at Wells Avenue in Yonkers.

Mr. Sal Carrera, Director of Real Estate and Economic Development gave an overview of the lease agreement. Chairman Kaplowitz requested that the Budget Department provide the Committee information on what the budgetary impact will be. The fiscal impact will be greater for the county.

Motion carried 7-0.

(Wishnie, Bronz) moved to authorize the settlement of the Gender Ban Litigation for the amount of $2,355,000.00.

Ms. Alesio, Deputy County Attorney and outside council Mr. Matthew Miklave of Epstein, Becker and Green discussed the details of the settlement.

(Kaplowitz, Alvarado) move to go into executive session for the purposes of litigation strategy.

Motion carried 6-0.

(Wishnie, Alvarado) moved to go out of Executive Session.

Motion carried 6-0.

Chairman Kaplowitz asked if we decided to move forward with the lawsuit what type of costs would the county be faced with. The Deputy County Attorney believed the total amount of legal fees which the County would be liable for would be approximately $1,000,000. The County would be liable because the case is up to the damages phase.

Motion carried 6-0.

ITEM A8 & A37

(Wishnie, Alvarado) moved to approve the agreement with CSEA for DSS employees.

Mr. Michael Wittenberg gave an overview of the agreement. With some confusion about the two separate agreements between the schedules in A8 & A37, the Committee decided to hold this item to get clarification and discuss it at a future meeting before the next Board of Legislators meeting.

Mr. Wishnie and Mr. Alvarado withdrew the motion on the table.


(Wishnie,LaMotte) moved to approve conditions of employment for employees represented by the New York State Nurses Association.

Motion carried 7-0.

ITEM A27/C107 (BLA01)

With a quorum present, the Committee on Housing was called to order at 11:35 a.m.

With a quorum present, the Committee on Parks was called to order at 11:35 a.m.

(Bronz, Wishnie) moved for the Budget and Appropriations Committee; (Pinto, Myers) moved for the Parks Committee; (Pinto, Alvarado) moved for the Housing Committee to approve the acquisition and conveyance and $900,000 Bond Act for the Ichabod’s Landing Property in Sleepy Hollow.

Legislator Abinanti wrote a letter reminding the Committee he had requested the County Planning Department provide him with a copy of the document from the Village delineating the conditions of approval. Abinanti believes this documentation is needed to compare the County’s requests with the Villages requirements. According to Abinanti this information has not yet been provided. Chairman Kaplowitz asked the Planning Department to be in contact with Legislator Abinanti before the next Board of Legislators meeting.

Budget and Appropriations Committee motion carried 9-0; Parks Committee motion carried 4-0; Housing Committee motion carried 4-0.

(Pinto, Myers) Moved to adjourn the Parks Committee

Motion carried 3-0.

The Parks Committee adjourned at 11:49 am.

The Housing Chairman called the committee to recess at 11:50 am.

C121 (RB043)

(LaMotte, Kaplowitz) moved to approve $3,600,000 in bonds for Hardscrable Road repair. Motion carried 8-0.

C125 (RB074)

(Wishnie, Alvarado) moved to approve $160,000 in bonds for Hamilton Avenue road repair. Motion carried 8-0.

C126 (RB076)

After some discussion with Public Works Commissioner Ralph Butler this item was held for Legislator Myers to discuss it further with him.

C127 (RB097)

(Wishnie, Bronz) moved to approve $120,000 in bonds for Weaver Street road repair. Motion carried 8-0.

(Wishnie, LaMotte) Moved to adjourn. Motion carried 8-0.

Committee on Budget and Appropriations adjourned at 12:00 noon.

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