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MINUTES: June 7, 2004

BUDGET & APPROPRIATIONS MEMBERS: Chair: Kaplowitz; Legislators: Bronz, LaMotte, Mosiello, Oros, Rogowsky, Stewart-Cousins, Wishnie

PUBLIC SAFETY MEMBERS: Chair: Wishnie; Legislators: Kaplowitz, Mosiello, Rogowsky, Spreckman

TRANSPORTATION MEMBERS: Chair: Mosiello; Legislators: Bronz, Rogowsky, Spreckman

GUESTS: CE’s office: A. Neuman, B. Randolph, K. Ryan; Budget: K. Carrano, L. Bennett, A. Vietro; LAW: L. Alesio, J. Robertson; DEF: R. Matarazzo; DPW: R. Butler; Finance: P. Pucillo; Planning: A. Zaino, F. McLaughlin; DES: A. Sutton; DOT: L. Salley; LWV: B. Strauss, F. MacEchren; H. Corbin, M. Bodin; BOL: B. Boland, S. Bass, R. Indelicato, S. Vanderberg

With quorums present, the Committees on Budget and Appropriations and Public Safety were called to order at 10:12 a.m.

An Act authorizing the County to enter into intermunicipal agreements regarding reimbursement of funds to prepare for and prevent terrorist activities, previously discussed at the 6/1/04 B&A meeting and amended as requested.

These funds will be dispensed through Trust accounts soon to be established. This version reflects the Board’s request to be notified of funds received and expended.

For Budget: On the motion of Legislator Wishnie, seconded by Legislator Stewart-Cousins the item carried 7-0, with Legislators Stewart-Cousins/Mosiello voting without prejudice, Oros out for vote.

For Public Safety: On the motion of Legislator Wishnie, seconded by Legislator Rogowsky the item carried 4-0, Legislator Mosiello voted without prejudice.

The Committee on Public Safety was adjourned at 10:25 am.

An Act authorizing the County to retain the services of Nancy rose Stormer, P.C. to provide legal representation with respect to obtaining New York State reimbursement for medical assistance recipients. By identifying individuals within the Medicaid system whose expenses should be paid 100% by the State, the County could receive $1 million dollars annually in reimbursements- potentially as far as 10 years retroactive.

On the motion of Legislator Stewart-Cousins, seconded by Legislator Mosiello the item carried 8-0.

Legislation authorizing the settlement of the lawsuit- Michael Tehan and Janice Tehan v. Tara A. Fucale and Patsy A. Fucale, Town of Mount Pleasant, Town of Mount Pleasant Police Dept. and County of Westchester in an amount not exceed $150,000.

In order to discuss litigation strategies and potential settlement negotiations, the Committee entered Executive Session at 10:45 am. The Committee exited Executive Session at 10:50am.

On the motion of Legislator Bronz, seconded by Legislator Stewart-Cousins the item carried 8-0.

An Act amending the 2003 County Operating Budget in the amount of $4,500,000. This transfer in appropriation can be funded by savings within the County’s ’03 Operating Budget and is necessary to complete the County’s ’03 fiscal plan on a sound financial basis.

On the motion of Legislator Wishnie, seconded by Legislator Rogowsky the item carried 8-0, Legislators LaMotte/Oros voted without prejudice.

With a quorum present, the Committee on Transportation was called to order at 11:30am.

A $127,000 Bond Act to fund the cost of acquisition of approximately 26 maintenance and supervisory vehicles necessary to carry out the management, supervision and maintenance of the County Transit System. The total project costs $638,000, 80% or $511,000 will be funded with Federal and/or State grants.

A breakdown of the specific vehicles to be replaced was requested.

On the motion of Legislator Wishnie, seconded by Legislator Oros the item carried 7-0, Legislator Bronz out for vote.

The Committee on Transportation was adjourned at 11:30 am.

A $850,000 Bond Act to fund the cost of acquisition and replacement of district equipment, including haulage vehicles, bulldozers, containers and miscellaneous. Due to heavy usage, the routine phased replacement of vehicles and equipment is necessary to ensure safe reliable operation.

On the motion of Legislator Wishnie, seconded by Legislator Mosiello the item carried 7-0, Legislator Bronz out for vote.

A Capital Budget Amendment in the amount of $1,300,000 and the issuance of a related Bond Act in the same amount to fund the design, construction management and construction necessary to rehabilitate various County roads, including milling, paving, repairing existing drainage structures, striping and related work. Design work will be done in house.

On the motion of Legislator Wishnie, seconded by Legislator Rogowsky the item carried 7-0, Legislator Bronz out for vote.

A $145,000 Bond Act to fund the design cost of Phase 5 of the South county Trailway, which consists of a 1.48 mile segment from Barney
St. to Tuckahoe Rd. in the City of Yonkers. This project is part of the development of a recreational pathway on the former Putnam Division Railroad Right-of-Way.

On the motion of Legislator Wishnie, seconded by Legislator LaMotte the item carried 7-0, Legislator Bronz out for vote.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 11:50 am.

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