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MINUTES: June 14, 2004

BUDGET & APPROPRIATIONS MEMBERS: Chair: Kaplowitz; Legislators: Bronz, Rogowsky, LaMotte, Oros, Wishnie, Ryan, Stewart-Cousins

HOUSING MEMBERS: Chair: Bronz; Legislators: Pinto, Ryan

GUESTS: CE’s office: A. Neuman, B. Randolph, S. Carrera; Budget: K. Carrano, C. Burkart; LAW: L. Alesio; DEF: R. Matarazzo; DPW: R. Butler; Finance: P. Pucillo, S. Broege; Planning: E. Hoffmeister, F. McLaughlin, N. MacMillian; DES: A. Sutton; L&R: L. Fasnacht, M. Hyland, D. Popp; LWV: B. Strauss, H. Corbin; BOL: B. Boland, S. Bass, R. Indelicato, S. Vanderberg, B. Dodds

With a quorum present, the Committee on Budget and Appropriations was called to order at 10:15 a.m.

This morning there was a tour of the Yonkers Bus Garage. We will be entertaining security proposals in the near future.

There will be a meeting on Wednesday at 8:30 am with Bennet, Kielson, Storch relative to closing 2003 books.

The budget oversight committee meeting with the Planning Department was cancelled this past Friday in memory of former President Ronald Reagan. We hope to reschedule with them for this Friday, June 18.

We are hosting a regional summit on State and Federal Mandates on Thursday, June 24, 2004. Many legislators from surrounding counties and New York City have been invited. Chairman Kaplowitz hopes everyone on the budget committee will try to attend for some time.

LaMotte announced a conference which will be held at the Crowne Plaza in New York City June 23-June 25 on Combined heat and power by NYSERDA.

(Rogowsky, Bronz) Moved to approve acceptance of $50,000 grant from U.S. Dept of Health/Human Services-creation of Medical Reserve Corps. Passed 6-0. Stewart-Cousins and Ryan were out for the vote.

(Bronz, Wishnie) Moved to approve May 17, 2004 minutes as amended. Passed 6-0. Stewart-Cousins and Ryan were out for the vote.

(Wishnie, Kaplowitz) Moved to approve June 14, 2004 minutes. Passed 7-0 Stewart-Cousins was out for the vote.

Chair Bronz opened the housing committee meeting at 10:30

Kaplowitz asked to get back to us on the name change. Chair requested to hold a week while the department works out the financing questions with Bob. We will try to Blue Sheet it for next week.

(Pinto, Ryan) Moved to adjourn Housing Committee 3-0. Housing Adjourned at 10:41.

(Wishnie, Oros) Moved to approve court ordered refunds of $2,719,232.31 from the County General Fund Certiorari Proceedings Account and $861,651.92 from the appropriate District Certiorari Proceedings Accounts be paid by the commissioner of Finance. Passed 8-0.

(Wishnie, LaMotte) Moved to approve authorization of commencement of a lawsuit against Yonkers Contracting & Verde Electrical Corporation. Passed 7-0. Stewart-Cousins voted without prejudice. Ryan was out for the vote.

(Wishnie, Bronz) Moved to approve authorization to extend the term of the license agreement with WCHCC for the right and permission to enter upon, use and occupy a portion of the Westchester County property known as the “North 60” as a temporary parking lot for visitors to the Medical Center. During the later phase of the Children’s Hospital/Trauma Center construction, construction workers employed by WCHCC as independent contractors will also be permitted to enter upon, use and occupy the area for parking. Passed 7-0. Ryan was out for the vote.

(LaMotte, Bronz) Moved to approve the Act conveying County property in the town of Mamaroneck to George Vecchione for $10,000. Passed 6-0. Stewart-Cousins and Ryan were out for the vote.

(Wishnie, Kaplowitz) Moved to approve $2,240,000 in bonds for the Portchester treatment Plant performance Maintenance. Passed 6-0. Rogowsky voted without prejudice. Stewart-Cousins and Ryan were out for the vote.

(Wishnie, Rogowsky) Moved to approve $825,000 in bonds for the Yonkers Waste Water Treatment Plant. Passed 7-0. Ryan was out for the vote.

(Wishnie, Bronz) Moved to approve $1,800,000 in bonds for Old Mamaroneck Road Improvements. Passed 7-0. Oros and LaMotte voted without prejudice. Ryan was out for the vote.

(Wishnie, Rogowsky) Moved to approve $1,250,000 in bonds for new and replacement equiptment for various medical, forensic and toxicology departments. Passed 6-0. Oros and Ryan out for vote.

(Wishnie, Bronz) Moved to Adjourn Budget & Appropriations Committee.

Budget & Appropriations Committee adjourned at 11:37 am.

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