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MINUTES: July 6, 2004

BUDGET & APPROPRIATIONS MEMBERS: Chair: Kaplowitz; Legislators: Bronz, Rogowsky, LaMotte, Wishnie, Ryan

HOUSING MEMBERS: Chair: Bronz; Legislators: Pinto, Ryan

PUBLIC WORKS MEMBERS: Chair: Clinton I. Young; Legislators: Pinto, Rogowsky, Wishnie

IN ATTENDANCE: CE’s office: A. Neuman, B. Randolph, S. Carrera; Budget: K. Carrano, C. Burkart; LAW: S. Gerry; DPW: R. Butler; Finance: P. Pucillo, S. Broege; Planning: L. Kelly, F. McLaughlin, N. MacMillan; LWV: B. Strauss, BOL: B. Boland, S. Bass, B. Dodds, H. Corbin

With a quorum present, the Committee on Budget and Appropriations was called to order at 10:12 a.m.

With a quorum present, the committee on Public Works reconvened at 10:12 a.m.

(Wishnie, Rogowsky) moved for the Budget and Appropriations Committee and (Wishnie, Pinto) moved for the Public Works committee to approve a Local Law authorizing the execution of amendments to program documents for Courthouse reconstruction project and execute memo of Understanding with DASNY.

Chairman Kaplowitz reminded the committee that our Legal Council is acting on our behalf as county attorney to draft, to recommend and to give us the various language so while we have to approve it and it is our obligation to read through it, council is there as our experts to present it to us and have already checked off on it.

Chairman Ryan pointed out that the County attorney throughout this entire process has kept him current with any particulars with the Dormitory Authority consideration of the results of the mediation and how that was going to be translated or completed into legal documents for us to have in front of us and what was agreed to in principle. County Attorney Indellicato has kept him informed of the Dormitory Authority’s activity.

Budget Committee motion carried 6-0. Public works motion carried 4-0

Public Works adjourned at 10:32 (Wishnie, Rogowsky)

(Wishnie, Ryan) moved to approve an Act conveying 19,396 Square feet of property in North Castle to BSF&F, LLC.

LaMotte wanted to make sure the legislator who represents this district was aware this item was being voted on today.

Motion carried 6-0

ITEM A15/C72(BPL10)
With a quorum present, the Committee on Housing was called to order at 10:38 a.m.

(Wishnie, Ryan) moved for the Budget Committee (Vito, Bronz) moved from the Housing Committee to approve an act authorizing the purchase & conveyance of 21.97 acres of real property in the Town of Cortland and the attached $2,890,000 Bond Act.

Chairman Kaplowitz stated our involvement comes to $4,045,000.00 at 102 units of just under $40,000 per unit.

Chairman Kaplowitz said there is a great pull and push for the use of the capacity of The Peekskill Sewer plant. The question is there are lots of homes that want to get into the district and the equity of putting new homes into the Peekskill Sewer District when existing homes can’t get into the district. I am troubled by the sewage issue I can not have constituents in my district who share the same sewer district get harmed directly and there is a finite amount of capacity that Cortland officials have famously told us about. To have through the back door 102 units, a certain amount of capacity. Yorktown is over 50% of the appraised value in the Peekskill Sanitary Sewer District. As their representative I’m not sure I want to utilize capacity of 102 for brand new units when in fact I have over a thousand units in Yorktown that are built, up and running and many of them are failing septics and they can’t get into the Peekskill Sanitary Sewer District. I don’t know where the equity is in that.

Motion Carried Budget 6-0 (Kaplowitz,LaMotte voted without prejudice) Motion carried in Housing 3-0

(Pinto, Ryan) Housing Adjourned at 11:25

ITEM A11/A12/C73(BPL01)
An act authorizing an IMA with the Town of Cortlandt for the provision of funds for Jacob’s Hill Village Sr. Development, a $1,155,000 Bond Act for infrastructure improvements and related Capital Budget amendment.

Chair Kaplowitz wants to go back and give serious rethought about the infrastructure.

This act will be taken up at the next meeting.

(Wishnie, LaMotte) moved to approve an act authorizing Commissioner of Finance to pay mortgage tax receipts to cities, towns & villages.

Motion carried 5-0 (Bronz out for vote).

(Wishnie,Rogowsky) moved to approve a package of court ordered refunds to be paid by Commissioner of Finance

Motion carried 5-0 (Bronz out for vote).

(Wishnie, LaMotte) moved to approve Minutes of May 24th and June 21st as amended

Motion Carried 5-0 (Bronz out for vote)

July 8th A&C Agenda

Item B1 was discussed why this item was held over from last week.

The Chair is hoping to meet again on July 12 and then take off until August 2nd.

Kate Corrano mentioned the community college budget will be out on July 15 and will make sure all legislators have a copy.

Education Committee went to visit the Community College extension in Ossining.

(Wishnie, Rogowsky) moved to Adjourn.

Motion carried 5-0

Budget Committee adjourned at 12:18.

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