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MINUTES: JUNE 13, 2005

BUDGET & APPROPRIATIONS MEMBERS: Chair: Kaplowitz; Legislators: Wishnie, Stewart-Cousins, Myers, Bronz, Alvarado, Spreckman, Rogowsky, Oros, LaMotte

COUNTY OFFICERS AND DEPARTMENTS MEMBERS: Chair: Pinto; Legislators: Stewart-Cousins, Spreckman, Rogowsky

TRANSPORTATION MEMBERS: Chair: Rogowsky; Legislators: Spreckman

IN ATTENDANCE: CEO: A. Neuman, B. Randolph, M Long; Budget: K. Carrano, A. Vietro; DOF: P. Pucillo; CA: R. Cashman; DOT: L. Salley; WCDP: W. Brady, N. Drummond, F. McLaughlin; DPW: R. Butler; DEF: R. Matarazzo; BOL: B. Boland, S. Bass, S. Vanderberg, R. Indelicatto, H. Corbin, A. Modugno, B. Dodds, B. Bochow; DSS: K. Mahon, A. Boyer; CBAC: B. Strauss; Guests: K. Eddings, H. Spreckman, R. Noonan

With a quorum present, the Committee on Budget and Appropriations was called to order at 10:08 a.m.


(Wishnie, Alvarado) move to approve the Minutes of January 4, 2005 and June 6, 2005.

Motion passed 7-0.

With a quorum present, the Committee on County Officers and Departments was called out of recess and to order at 10:10 a.m.

(Spreckman, Stewart-Cousins) move for both Budget & Appropriations and County Officers and Departments to approve to have the County of Westchester participate in the New York State Public Employees and Retiree Long-Term Insurance Plan.

The Director of Finance Peter Porcillo participated in the discussion on the Long Term Care Insurance Policy. Mr. Boland requested from him a copy of the Best Report. Mr. Porcillo believed the report was in the documents provided but would confirm or get one to Mr. Boland.

Motion for Budget and Appropriations passed 10-0. Motion for Committee on County Officers and Departments 4-0.

(Spreckman, Rogowsky) move to adjourn the Committee on Officers and Departments. Motion passed 4-0. The Committee on Officers and Departments adjourned at 10:16 am.

With a quorum present, the Committee on Transportation was called to order at 10:23 a.m.

(Bronz, Myers) move for Budget and Appropriations and (Spreckman, Rogowsky) move for Transportation to approve the agreement with WCHCC for the provision of shuttle buses.

Legislator Stewart-Cousins asked for a summary of all the write offs the Board of Legislators has granted the hospital which totaled 10 million dollars. Mr. Boland requested from the Commissioner of Transportation the amount of gross expenses less the revenue fares.

There was a discussion on the bonding of the $200,000 project for the White Plains terminal improvements. It was decided to hold this item for a future meeting when the legislators have an opportunity to collect more information and review the Capitol Project Report.


(Oros, LaMotte) move to receive and file the memo from the County Clerk regarding new cover sheets for document recording.

Motion passed 10-0.

(Bronz, Wishnie) move to amend local law 2-2005 to reflect a name changed to the proposed lessee for space at the Westchester County Airport.

Motion passed 10-0.

(Wishnie, Rogowsky) move the IMA with local municipalities for snow/ice control on county roads.

Motion passed 10-0.


(Wishnie, LaMotte) move to approved $1.7 million dollars in bonds for pump station rehabilitation in Ossining.

Motion passed 10-0.


(Oros, Kaplowitz) move to approved $1.2 million dollars in bonds for upgrade of the electrical system at the Peekskill Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Motion passed 10-0.

(Stewart-Cousins, Alvarado) move to approve $200,000 in bonds for pump station rehabilitation at the Alexander Street Pump Station.

Motion passed 10-0.

(Stewart-Cousins, Bronz) move to approve the IMA with the City of Yonkers and the Bond Act for Sprain Lake Estates Affordable Housing Project.

Legislator LaMotte requested from the County Planning Department a list of projects which are approaching their affordability limit.

Legislator Rogowsky requested a list of all housing projects which were combined to be sold at market rate and at affordable housing rates. In addition Mr. Rogowsky asked for an updated construction budget.

Motion passed 10-0. (With Out Prejudice – Rogowsky, Kaplowitz).

June 16, 2005 A&C Agenda Review
Item B1 was put over by Legislator Stewart-Cousins last week. The Committee on Families was waiting for a response from the Social Services Department regarding the Child Protective Services and Child Welfare Services Training Units. She has since received a letter and the Department of Social Services Commissioner discussed the new program.

Legislator Bronz requested that all the legislators receive a copy of the new manual for this service.

(Stewart-Cousins, Myers) Moved to adjourn Budget and Appropriations. Motion passed. Committee on Budget and Appropriations adjourned at 11:52 AM.

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